Chapter 17: Ethan Time

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Hah? Apa yang Ethan lakukan malam-malam di pantry?

"Oh, hey Adds. Why are you here?" tanyanya santai sambil mengaduk kopi yang sudah ia seduh.

"Emh... I need some milk."

Persetan dengan kebencianku kepada the bullies karena sekarang aku hanya membenci satu di antara mereka.

"Here some hot water. I make it too much," katanya sambil menyunggingkan senyumnya.

Aku membalas senyumannya dan meraih air panas yang ia berikan kepadaku.


"So, cannot sleep?" tanya Ethan tepat sasaran.

"Yeah. I want to run away," keluhku lemah sambil membuat susu cokelat panas.

"Lets go to the backroom, maybe you and I can have a small talk," tawar Ethan padaku.

"Okay, go first, I'll go after you," balasku.

Ethan pun berjalan meninggalkan pantry. Lalu aku pun menyelesaikan proses pembuatan susu cokelat yang kuinginkan.

Setelah selesai, aku menuju ruangan yang di maksud Ethan. Backroom.

Ruangan dengan TV LED yang cukup lebar disertai PS 4 dan DVD Player di bawahnya. Selain itu, yang membuat ruangan ini nyaman adalah sofa yang cukup besar.

"So wanna tell a story?" tanya Ethan.

"I don't know," kataku pasrah.

Bolehkah aku jujur kepada Ethan? Dia telah berubah kan? Dia tak akan menyiksaku di sini bukan?

"Haha. Your so funny, babe. I know its about Zeyn, right?"

Ya. Mungkin aku bisa agak mempercayainya sedikit.

Aku mengangguk pelan sambil menikmati susu cokelatku.

"He is so serious with you if you want to know, Adds," kata Ethan terkekeh kecil. "The day you leaved us, he is the most stressfull of us."

Ethan berhenti sejenak. Raut wajahnya pun berubah menjadi wajah penuh penyesalan.

"Yeah we regret all the things we do to you that day. We all really miss you, Addlyn, but we know we must move on to the new us.

But Zeyn, he's different. He sad like a mom who loss her baby. He skipped school like one month and didn't eat well. He stressed." Ethan bercerita.

Aku hanya mengangguk-anggukan kepalaku.

"Here, cover yourself with this blanket," perintah Ethan yang memberiku selimut besar.

Aku menyelimuti diriku, namun karena memang selimut ini begitu besar, aku juga menyelimuti Ethan yang mungkin juga kedinginan.

"Thanks," katanya.

"So? What happened after that?" tanyaku yang masih penasaran akan cerita Ethan.

"One month we try to wake Zeyn up. Until one day after school we saw he cried in his room." Aku masih terdiam dan hanya Ethan saja yang berbicara.

"We panicked of course. Because of you, Zeyn Raymond cry! He tell us that he regret all the things he did to you cause, he likes you." Semua cerita Ethan mulai terdengar menarik.

"After that day, I, Nick, and Zac try to make a band like you said to us. We tried to make Zeyn want to practice with us and forget about you, and that was success..." Ethan berhenti sejenak, kemudian dilanjutkan, "but, one thing, Adds. He never forget about you.

When we first upload our video to youtube, when we perform in small gigs, when the day your brother approach us to do some openict act in someone's tour, when we wanna start our own tour, he always said 'I hope someday Addlyn will looked at us and I want to say sorry about whatever I do to her and said that I love her very very much. When she come to us I never let her go for the second time.'" Ethan melirik ke arahku dan tersenyum.

"From there I know that he likes you, Adds. Please, don't break his heart. I know we hurt you long time ago, but please, make him happy, cause if you break his heart he will stress again and I don't like the stress of Zeyn Raymond. He breaks our hearts slowly when he stressed."

Wow, aku tak menyangka Ethan akan berkata begitu.

"But if I don't like him? I mean by now, I just feel like a friend and didn't feel more," tanyaku pada Ethan.

"Just make him happy. You know, we all, I mean me, Zac, Nick, and Zeyn, love you. You are here now, make us feel happy cause we can prove to you that we can be the group that your dreamed about."

"I didn't dreamed about you all."

"Hahahaha. I mean to be the best band ever, like you said before you leave Australia," kata Ethan sambil merangkulku.

Kini kami terdiam.

Kabar tentang susu cokelatku? Mereka sudah tenteram di dalam lambungku.

"Eth, if Zeyn say that he loves me and ask me to be his girlfriend, what must I say?" tanyaku tiba-tiba.

"Just think about it and follow your heart," balas Ethan sambil tersenyum manis.

"Hmm.. Eth?"


"Can I sleep in your shoulder?" tanyaku yang sudah mulai kembali mengantuk.

"Came here," suruh Ethan sambil membawa kepalaku ke bahunya. "Good night and sweet dream, Addlyn."

Seketika aku pun tidur dibahu Ethan dengan nyaman.

Ya. Bahunya senyaman bahu Day.

Good night world.

. . .

(Un)Lucky Girl (REPUBLISHED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang