Chapter 2- Refusal Of A Wolf

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Harmony's P.O.V
Sage is still in his meeting, none of us know what to do. James, Johnny and I are aimlessly walking around, or doing parkour off of the tree's surrounding our pack grounds, where we all live, we have a much larger territory. We haven't said much to each other, a silence fills the air until James questions;
"Your going to have your first wolf transformation in a month or two aren't you, Harmony?" My body stiffens, I almost froze in my tracks.
"Uh, yeah I am, I'm excited. Hey, when are the pains supposed to start, like when did they start for you guys?"
We're told that the pains should start about 1-2 months before the actual transformation, which hasn't started and I'm freaking out inside.
"Mine started about a month before the actual transformation. My parents were scared I would be thrown out as an outcast and join the outsiders, those useless freaks." Johnny replied.
"Mine started exactly 2 months before the actual transformation. My parents had no need to worry." James answered next.
I tried not to worry, my pain can start a month away from my 16th birthday.
Through the mind-link James and Johnny had with our pack they told me that Sage was calling specifically for us and that he had blocked the rest of the pack. We started heading back but we were a long way into the forest so Johnny and James transformed and Johnny told me to get on his back, so I did, they were massive, considering we are supernatural we are larger than normal, natural wolfs, when we can actually transform. Within minutes we were next to Sage, I got off of Johnny while Sage gave me a semi-disgusted look and a protective look as well. I gave him an eye-roll and spoke up.
"So, what happened in there?"
"My father is handing down the title of alpha of the pack to me in a month or two, there are other discussions that happened but I cannot discuss them." Sage answered. I nodded, I understood why he couldn't discuss them, you can't disobey an Alfa's order, that's considered as treason to the pack and you'll be thrown out as an outcast. Johnny and James understood as well.
"So what do you guys want to do?" James asked, smile covering his face.
" I think we should train." Sage said, I snorted. I can't go against them in a practice because I'm younger than them so it's against the rules to do so and also because I can't transform so I have to go against the girly girls of the pack so I have to go kinda easy on them and I have to throw a few matches because their selfish girls and they won't fight me if they haven't won anything, it's such a drag.
"I'll just go read." I retorted as I walked away from them to head to my house. Packs are quite well off financially, the supernatural species are usually quite rich and they support everyone in their pack, each pack member shares their money with other pack members so we never have to worry unless there is a thief.
I open my door to see my dad in a heated conversation with our current alpha and Sage's father, George. They didn't notice me come in so I quickly walked to the stairs so I could hide and listen in, I steadied my breathe and made it as silent as possible.
A deeper voice boomed slightly while replying to a previous comment.
"Yes she is Jack! Harmony won't transform, an elder told me this! She's a disgrace, you can't expect the elders to be wrong when they have a vision!"
" She'll transform, just give her time, give her until her 18th birthday before throwing her out on her butt, not all teens transform at the age of 16! Give her time, the elder might of saw her 16th birthday but not her 17th or 18th birthday, please give my daughter that long. Please, alpha." My father pleaded. George just sighed and nodded.
I was terrified, if I don't transform on my 16th birthday than the pack will become ignorant towards me, treat me very poorly and I will become the bottom of the food chain of this pack. As quietly as I could I went up the stairs to my room and sat on my chair in the corner of my room, I put my feet up with me and sat there in a ball for what seemed like hours, just staring at nothing imagining what my life might be like if I don't transform, if for my 17th and 18th birthday I don't transform and I'm tossed out like trash.
Is this one of the other discussions Sage was apart of? I blink, shaking my head trying to get that idea out of my head, I look at the clock and realize it's about time for bed and that I have school tomorrow.
It's been two months now and surprise-surprise, I didn't transform. My pack has been treating me poorly, at school the people I once called friends have been slamming me into lockers, smacking my stuff out of my arms, pushing me over onto my on my butt and spreading rumours. At the pack grounds it's much worse though because at school they have to simulate human strength but at home they can show their true strength, they'll slam me into large rocks that are scattered around the grounds or slam me into trees with low branches, jabbing into my arms or torso and cutting me, I've learned how to sew myself up because the pack grounds medical centre within the main house refuses to treat me with a sorry look on their faces, but their eyes say they are enjoying ignoring me. I have been trying to transform about every week or so but it became pointless so I gave up. They took away almost every single possession I have and gave it to the younger generation within our pack, they moved me into a very small building, basically a shack, it has a single sized bed with a small uncomfortable pillow and a thin blanket and a lamp on the wobbly bedside table, a bathroom is attached to the room and a light hangs low in the middle of the room, there's the basic sink, toilet and shower that has horrible pressure. I have a mini fridge in the far corner with basic refrigerated foods and a counter above that for pantry foods. All my clothes that the gave me, which aren't comfortable sit in a suitcase under my bed. All my school supplies sits inside my bag for school at the end of my bed.
I keep my door locked at all times so the others won't come in and rampage.
'Welcome to hell' should be on the entrance sign to the pack grounds, I chuckle to myself as I shiver myself to sleep, where peace awaits me.

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