Chapter 17- Training Begins

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Harmony's P.O.V
Derek had set me up throwing knifes at a few targets, he watched with his arms crossed, he stood to the side and it was really starting to piss me off, he looked disgusted. I kept throwing knife after knife. Each target was about 9-10 meters away from each other and the first target was 20 meters away from me, give or take. I used all the force I could and what Derek told me to in position, and it wasn't working! My frustration started showing through my body language and I got a little sloppy, of course Derek's alpha side was starting to show through and he continued to take agitated sighs and 'what the hell was that' looks.
Alright, if I can't hit this target then I'm done and I'll work on something else, because it's been about 3-4 hours and I've hit about 2 targets and clipped another.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes mentally preparing myself.
Come on, Harmony. Don't disappoint yourself or your mate that happens to look like he is about to lose it on you any moment.
I took one more deep breath before I flung the knife out of my hand and at the target. I stood there, frozen as I waited for it to hit something important or nothing important. What do you know, luck wasn't on my side today, I bloody missed! Ugh, this is bullshit!
I clenched at my hair and clenched my teeth together trying to keep a frustrated growl from coming out, I seriously need to punch something!
"Harmony, are you okay?" Derek cooed from beside me, putting his hand on my back. I viciously shook my head no after I let go of my hair. Boxing. I stood and put my hands into fists and started bouncing on my tip toes trying to tell him I want to fight him. I gave a couple swings and then pointed at him.
"You want to punch me? Why?" Derek questioned, a little taken back. I hit myself in the forehead before trying again, I pointed at myself then I pointed at him then did the fists and bouncing thing, after I did that I raised my eyebrows as if saying 'you don't get this right your a fucking idiot.'
"You want tooooo fight me?" Derek guessed again, I nodded happily. Excited that he actually guessed it.
"No." He dead panned, my smile instantly dropped and I raised my hands in question and in frustration.
"Because I'm stronger then you still and I could break something." I could feel my face turn beat red and I was vibrating with anger. Derek tried to touch me but I slapped his hand away before turning on my heel and stomping away from him. I got to the pack house track and began to run laps around it, starting in a slight jog then a run then full out sprint. I remember doing this at my first pack, I beat Sage once. I remember the look on his face, how pissed off he was. All of us fell down to the ground laughing, hell Johnny pissed himself laughing. I miss those days.
I shook my head, ridding those thoughts, they betrayed me.
I was on my forth or fifth lap when Derek's voice rang through my head.
"Come to the house, someone is here to see you." Was all he said. I rolled my eyes, they can wait one more lap. My breath heavy and my heart beating fast I continued my next lap, I was about 3/4 of the way done before an extremely strong pain burst through my body cause me to collapse and fall on the red gravel underneath me and role. It felt like a millions upon millions of cracks were going through my bones, I bite my lower lip trying to suppress a scream, my eyes watered and tears started streaming down my face, I couldn't hold in the scream any longer. My voice was hoarse and it hurt to scream but I couldn't help it. My body was breaking for nothing and no matter what I did it wouldn't stop.
Derek, help me. I screeched through the mind-link with Derek.
Derek's P.O.V
After Harmony stomped away from me Tyler mind-linked with me telling me someone was here to speak with me and that they claimed to know Harmony. A sigh left me as I made my way to the pack house each step felt like I was betraying my mate but I have to deal with this. I open the door to see an alpha from another pack, a few of his pack members and Tyler. They all looked at me, I nodded in greeting before getting to what interested me most.
"I know I'm jumping into this conversation and I apologize but how do you know Harmony?" I questioned as I sat down, I stared at the alpha with patience, he took a sigh.
"My name is Sage, this is Johnny, my deta, and this is James." He pointed to each man, standing respectfully, I signal for them to sit, they nod and do so.
"Alpha Sage, how do you know Harmony?" I continued, my patience thinning.
He sighed, regret lacing his breath. " about four years ago Harmony was in my pack. The reason why she left is, because." he ran his hand through his hair as he calmed his wolf. "I was her mate, and I rejected her."
I was her mate, and I rejected her. Rang through my head, it worried me. It scared me. What if he's trying to get her back. Will my pack lose their Luna? I noticed him starring at me, looking for something.
"I also have another thing you maybe interested in." Alpha Sage announced. Once again I signalled him to go on.
"I have your old mate within my pack, we were supposed to be together but we both rejected, wanting our true mates back." My breath hitched, heart beat sped up and I didn't know what to think.
Derek! Help me! Screeched through my head making me stand my heart pounding, I could hear it.
Harmony! I yelled back. Where are you? I frantically questioned her but she gave no response, her wall for the mind-link went up and I couldn't break through.
"Harmony's in trouble!" I announced, breathless and scared.

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