Chapter 15- Shocking News That Maybe True

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Harmony's P.O.V
After shopping Derek had to deal with something for the pack so he allowed me to wander some of the grounds. I quote:
"Don't go within 50 meters of the territory border and don't go to broken down shacks as the could fall and hurt you, do you understand?" He's majorly protective but that's okay I guess because that's what he's supposed to do.
I went up and down hallways on each floor, I ran into a large library on the first floor that had an all the way 'balcony' thing as a second floor for more books, the library started on the first floor of the building and ended on the second floor. After I explored to try and find a good book, which ended in failure as their book collection needs some serious updating, I went and explored the theatre they had, we got movies a week or two before they came out to the humans so the pack usually comes and gathers here to watch them and if your not interested you can go help out with the border patrol on the territory. I began thinking about the years that have passed and how my wolf has refused to come and connect with me, leaving me an outcast, a disgrace to the mood goddess. Something clicked into my head, something that might just happen! I began jumping with joy as I ran my way to the library and began to lock all the doors with a note that says:
Please do not disturb as the genius is at work.
-Harmony (Luna)
I began to search high and low for each book I may need to figure out if I was correct or not.
Minutes turned into hours and hours turned the day into night but I refused to give up, I won't sleep before I find what I'm looking for, even though it may not be what I want to hear.. Or read.
Once I found all the books I needed I got a few pieces of paper and a pen to take notes.
I remember this story the teachers at my first pack told us;

There was this very powerful wolf that has all the elements under her command. Water, wind, earth, fire, darkness and light. During a Great War she ran into 6 female wolfs that were very kind to her, they all agreed to help the Elemental Wolf on her quest to make peace for all the supernatural beings although it was through war it would get done, all the packs that had ever existed during the war listened to the 6 beautiful wolfs.
"We need your help, the Moon Goddess and the Elemental Wolf need your help! If we don't ally and help win this war than the supernatural beings of this world will perish! Please, if you want your future kin to have peace than help us! Help them!" Each wolf pleaded to each pack. One by one each pack began to accept the quest to help the Moon Goddess and the Elemental Wolf. As soon as the last pack accepted the offer, it was a full moon and in unison all the wolfs howled as declaration that they had joined forces. Once the war was over and won and the supernatural beings were all in peace the Elemental Wolf went up to the 6 beautiful wolfs and gave them each a gift. Each wolf was given a part of one element the Elemental Wolf carried. Water, wind, earth, fire, darkness and light. She told them what was going to happen to the powers they carried when they died.
"These powers will take turns in a never ending cycle. Every 150 years these powers will be gifted to a young female wolf because every 150 years there will be a power that will spread chaos across the land and these powers will be needed to end it. The cycle will start with water then wind then earth, fire, darkness, light then at the end of that cycle the female wolf that inherits these powers will get my power, all of the elements." Her voice elegant, soft and gentle.
"Although there is a sacrifice, their wolf will come late for the connection with them. Their pack will disown them because of this but there is a reason their wolf will be late. It's because with these powers, the wolf getting them needs to be stronger than normal."

I wrote down the legend and began taking notes, what year each element got, why it happened and what element was next, but what I found out was that there wasn't one element, the next part of the cycle was the Elemental Wolfs power of all the elements.

I froze, then started shaking. If I'm the wolf next inline to get these powers that means I'll be the most powerful wolf in existence, except for the Moon Goddess herself.
I probably sat there for a good hour or two. I still sat there, shocked happy and scared at the same time, I had my hands raised as I shook, I couldn't keep still, it got to the point that my muscles started hurting.
"Harmony, honey. Are you okay?" Derek's voice rang through the door. I still couldn't move, I couldn't speak. I just sat there, frozen.
"Harmony, honey come open the door." Derek's voice echoed with slight worry cutting through. I still couldn't move, frozen.
"Harmony open the door now!" His voice pure worry, he began banging on the door trying to catch my attention, he already had it, but I still couldn't move, I was stuck, still shocked and shaking.
"Break down this god damn door, now!" Derek yelled in his alpha tone. Within a few seconds they had the door broken down and Derek ran in the library, eyes pitch black but as soon as they landed on my shaking body surrounded by books his eyes went back to normal in a snap.

He ran up to me and hugged me, my body instantly calmed and my aching muscles began to cool, I snuggled into him, sparkles igniting and going off with every connection our skin made.
"Why where you shaking so bad?" Derek asked, still clearly distressed, nudging his head into the curve of my neck. Patting his shoulder, I signalled him to raise his head then I pointed at my notes that I had taken from the books. He picked me up off the chair, sat on it then pulled me down with him so I was sitting on his lap, at this point I didn't care, I was still shaken up. As he read the notes a series of emotions ran over his features. Confusion, understanding, protectiveness and finally surprise. He looked at me then looked at the notes then me again.
"Yo-... Ele-... What?" He was as shocked as I was to find out I might just be the next inheritor of this beautiful gift. Derek picked me up bridal style and took us to the elevator then used my toes to push the bottom to our floor. We stayed silent during the elevator ride, I couldn't tell what he was thinking about but all I knew was it could be good, or bad."

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