Charter 13- Pain To The Idiot

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Harmony's P.O.V
When I awoke from my peaceful sleep I had a large, heavy arm around my waist, my breath hitched and I began to panic, my heart beating faster and faster. What happened? I started to wiggle my way out of their arms, taking a few moments in between so I didn't wake them up.
"Harmony, what are you doing?" A familiar voice questions me. I freeze, eyes wide with confusion. The unknown person that was also quite familiar got up and looked me in the eye with a happy but sleepy smile. Derek? Why is he in the bed with me?
I scrambled to get out of bed, breathless. I fell out of the bed and crawled into the corner giving him a distasteful look. He sat there in confusion until something clicked.
"Oh no, no, no! We didn't! Promise! We just kissed.. Kissed a lot." He cooed happily. "Then we simply went to bed cuddled up together."
I gave him one final 'you better not be full of absolute shit' look.
"I promise! Look, your not even marked yet!" Derek surrendered, hands up in the air. I froze, and let out a sigh of relief before going to our walk in closet before stopping and spinning in my heels, arms crossed my foot tapping while I glared at Derek who had his eyes closed, you could tell his face was heating up because he could feel my glare.
"Is there something wrong, darling?" He questioned, opening his eyes while he sits up. I raised my hands to the hem of my shirt and did a flick motion while the fabric was in between my fingers, then I returned to my arms crossed and toes tapping.
"We'll go shopping once your done your shower and we eat something. Is that okay?" Derek asks, still sleep ridden. I rolled my eyes as I nodded and headed down stairs to have my shower. It felt so nice to be able to have showers again, when I lived in Dominic's pack house they rarely let me have a shower, only when we were having guests over but that wasn't that frequent.
Once I was out of the shower I noticed clothes on the counter with a note on top of it that read:
I didn't peak. Promise. ;)
My cheeks reached a nice red shade, a deep red. I changed and sat it the bathroom while I waited for my cheeks to go back to their normal pigmentation. Once they did that I stepped out of the bathroom in nice black skinny jeans, black boots and a nice pearly pink sweater with a dream catcher on it. Derek's head quickly snapped towards me and he smiled sweetly.
"Hello, beautiful. You hungry?" I nodded, ignoring his statement and sat down., he placed a plate full of bacon, scrambled eggs and hash browns in front of me making my mouth water, Derek chuckled as he began making his meal.
"Eat up, Harmony. Today is going to be a long day." Derek whistled as he cooked, I did as I was told in record time, before he could even sit down I was done, he looked at me completely shocked.
"You were hungry." He announces plainly, I rolled my eyes as I went to go watch TV. Derek ate slowly, reading the news on his phone or watching sports reviews. There was a knock on the door and I got up to get it, pausing a recording of a TV show. I open the door to see Ashley Wordsworth, the bitch that disrespected me on my first day.
"Hey loser." She evilly grins before launching herself at me, claws out scratching my cheek and my right arm. I clenched my teeth, sidestepping as she began circling me. By this time Derek's wolf was so close from breaking through his barrier you might as well say that Ashely is completely fucked if he gets his hands on her. Ashely ran at me, keeping her right leg away from me as a result from last time she attacked me, her nose still had a bandage from the last time I put my elbow to it so why not do it again. I took a simply fighting position, one leg farther ahead than the other, and once she was close enough to me I lifted and reared my arm back then sent it flying directly at her broken nose, once contact was made I heard a sickening crack before her feet slipped from under her and she fell, knocked what air she had in her out, ending with the result of her wheezing on the ground gasping for air. I went down to her and put my knee on her stomach and gave a slight push to it causing her to scratch at my leg, begging me to stop, shaking my head I looked at Derek whose eyes were back to normal, pointing my index finger to my head I told him to mind-link someone to come and get her. It took him a moment or two but he understood.
Derek's P.O.V
I had just watched my magnificent mate take down that whore, Ashley, and I have to be honest, I'm very impressed with how Harmony is able to protect herself from Ashley. After Ashley pulled that stunt on me I degraded her to cleaner of the pack, but when she was little she had always gotten the best training, even now mommy and daddy pays for her to get some of the best training they can afford, but of course that gives her that massive, annoying ego. I had mind-linked with Tyler to come with another male to bring Ashley to the cells as she was in need of a good lesson.
"Yes, alpha." Tyler saluted.  10 minutes later Tyler came up the stairs with Ryan, one of the warriors we have here in the pack to come and get Ashley. Harmony got off of her and walked over to me with a sly smile as if saying 'you impressed or what?"
"Yes I'm impressed." I admitted with a roll of my eyes.
"Now let's go shopping so you can get some clothes so your not borrowing from female pack members." Harmony nodded and we went on our way to the mall.
Driving to the mall took quite a long time because our pack house is embedded deep in the forest, about an hour so Harmony took a nap there as I drove.
"We'll deal with Ashley until you get back, I think you'll want to have a word with her." Tyler mind-linked, clearly disgusted.
"I agree." Was all I said before closing the mind-link.

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