Chapter 26- Answers

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Harmony's P.O.V
Tears filled my eyes laughing, Sage continued trying to catch up to me but I was too fast. Someone got a little slow. We ran up and down the hallways of the guest house, passing confused pack members. I can barely see where I'm going, tears wouldn't stop flowing to my eyes as I laughed way to hard, I should be doubled over clutching at my stomach.
"Get your butt over here, Harmony!" Sage yelled half serious, the other half, well, he was laughing just as hard in the inside. I ran through the hallways, taking a left, right, going up a flight of stairs, then turning to the right to find a dead end. Heavy footsteps sounded behind me, sounding over my heavy heartbeat and breath. Spinning to see a cocky smile smeared on Sage's face as he too has a heavy breath. He began slowly walking towards me, a smile growing bigger and bigger, his hands raised as his fingers fiddled. What does he think he's doing?
Sage was about 2 feet away from me, I stood there studying him, motion, facial and body expressions. The nice smile he had turned evil, a grim mask covering his features as he started chuckling creepily. Sages arms shot out at me, I ducked then charged my fist into his stomach, he doubled over as I hopped over him laughing. Rounding the corner I bumped into a strong, hardened chest.
"Side-stepper, what are you doing?" Christopher questioned, amused as I rubbed my forehead. I can't believe he still remembers that side-step thing I pulled all those years ago. I smiled sheepishly.
"I was running from Sage because I may have kicked him in his family jewels. It was his fault." Christopher looked at me with a stern face plastered on, eyebrow raised.
"Why did you do that? That hurts so badly!" He huffs, cringing at the thought of how badly it hurts to get hit there. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.
"He, uh, tried to mark me." I mumbled, looking at Christopher's feet, a red blush surfacing to my cheeks. A hand slipped around my side as they spun me around, no doubt that 'they' is Sage, so I am now facing him before he put me over his shoulder carrying me as I started smashing my fists into his back, trying to get loose.
"Come with me, rogue." Sage scoffed, I growled as Christopher sighed.
"His name is Christopher you ass!" I hissed, ramming my knee into his abs, a winded sound came from his lips but he quickly regained composure. Sage kept walking, turning each corner while Christopher followed, smiling. I gave him a confused look but he answered with a role of his eyes. We finally made our way to the guest house office, where Sage has set himself up happily but before he could set me down he had to lock the door, it was my turn to scoff as he set me down on the chair, Christopher next to me while Sage sat across from us. He began tapping his fingers on the desk as he leaned back.
"How do you know this rogue?" Sage growled, making me role my eyes.
"Remember in high school, when I made Elizabeth fall on the floor, smearing food all over her clothes, when I left I ran into Christopher, he was one of the new kids that day, and obviously a wolf, they offered me a spot in their pack and I took it." I answered truthfully, plainly. Sages eyes narrowed, before he closed them as he was taking a deep breath.
"At that time he wasn't rogue. Correct?" Sage questioned, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"I wasn't rogue at that time, no. It was after a year or so when the murderous pack came and killed my pack, leaving Harmony and I alive but they took Harmony. They thought I was dead." Christopher entered, sitting peacefully on the chair, relaxed, in control.
"How did you survive?" Sage asked, curiosity visible in his body language. Yes, that is a question I've been wanting answered as well.
"I held my breath, they were to stupid to check for pulses, I was one of the later wolfs they kilt so I got to see how they worked before they 'killed' me. I couldn't chase after Harmony because I was injured." Christopher mumbles the last sentence, feeling ashamed. I sighed.
"Look, Christopher doesn't have a pack and he helped me when I needed help so now we are going to help him. His apart of our pack now." I put emphasis on 'are', seriousness lacing my tone and body language. Sage looked between the both of us, disagreement smeared across his face. Fine, I'll bend a few rules.
"He leaves, I leave." I hissed, that caught Sages attention, his eyes studied me. Checking if I was serious. Foolish boy, of course I was! A sigh escaped his mouth, as he pinched the bridge of his nose once again.
"Fine, but he's your problem. Keep him in check." Sage huffed. Christopher and I grinned at each other.
"Think of all the pranks we can play!" Christopher clapped excitedly, I simply winked at him before we bolted out the office doors to the front yard. We high-fived laughing our heads off.
"Let's race in wolf form." I giggled excitedly, Christopher nodded before we bolted to our own trees to undress behind before shifting. We both walked out at the same time, I looked at him to finally get a good look at his wolf which has black hair like his human self, his eyes were framed and complimented, making them look like a deeper green.
"How many laps around the track?" Christopher question, excitement flowing through his words as we negotiated the rules.
"Hummmmmm." I hummed, as I spun around. "Two, three, even five if you want too. Or are you too chicken?" I teased, swatting at his paws gently.
"You only wish, side-stepper." He cockily grinned before we headed to the track.
"Three... Two... One... Go!" We announced in unison before we took off.
Sorry if there is any grammar or spelling mistakes, I was kind of in a rush! Hope you enjoy!

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