Chapter 32- Elements

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"Where do we begin?" I hissed, distaste dripping from the words I spat. The rogue chuckled before coughing up a thick, dark red colour. He continued to hack up his blood before turning towards me with a disgusting grin, showing off his red stained teeth. I felt like throwing up but I know it's not the appropriate time, so I choke it back.
"What question do you have first, princess?" The rogue questioned with a raspy voice. He stared intently into my eyes, trying to intimidate me. I stood my ground, keeping my eyes locked with his. I kept my face bland and emotionless, there is no way I will let him see through this mask I have smeared across me. He began calculating how to displace me, his brain seemingly going in overdrive as he continued to scan me but eventually he gave up, with nothing to show for his efforts. I had to bit the inside of my lip to keep a smirk from surfacing.
"Why does your master have an interest in me?" I sniped, harsh was my tone and I wasn't about to change it. The rogue's normal grin turned into a full on evil grin, his teeth clenched together as he held in laughter. My wolf growled, frustration building in both her and I.
"He knows your job in this world. Your identity and he craves it." The rogue sneered before he let out a harsh cackle. The rogue stood up, every bone looked as if they were broken, but he managed. His leg swung so he could take a step but instead, he fell. The result of his knee buckling. The rogue didn't seem fazed as he began to carelessly drag himself towards me, his nails snapping low causing his skin to bleed. He began hyperventilating as he chuckled, sweat dripping down his forehead.
"He craves you, he craves you and your powers." The rogue kept repeating as he continued dragging himself to the bars of the cell before wrapping his boney fingers around the silver, making them smoke and burn, a stench lifting into the air.
I stared blankly at him although inside I was losing it. The rogues hand stretched out towards my lower leg, I kept my panic under control, although I wanted to run far away from him.
Out of no where a strong looking build comes in between the rogue and I, steaming anger. Their scent flowed into my nose and I recognized it as Sage's.
Sage begun stomping on the rogues arm before bending it in the wrong direction against a cell bar, causing a sickening crack to erupt through the cells. The rogue whimpered as Sage snarled only centimetres away from its face before turning on his heel, grabbing my arm in the process as he dragged me out of the wolfs bane jail.
Anger ran through me. Was he there the whole god damn time?
My blood boiled as I ripped my arm out of his hold before slapping him across the face, a nick red hand print marking his face, his eyes turned a darker shade as he made himself look bigger.
"Don't you hit me again, mutt." Sage growled lowly, narrow eyes looking directly at mine, intimidation was failing him as his words caught my attention. Don't you me again, mutt. I frown layered itself onto my face.
"I think it was a mistake allowing you to mark me. You're exactly the same, you disgusting alpha." I hissed before walking away from him angrily. I need to focus on training and control the elements, those skills I haven't even touched and think now would be a good time, somewhere within the forest.
I headed towards the forest before hiding behind a tree to strip off my clothes. I shifted to my elegant wolf as I felt anger dwelling inside of me. A huff left my lips, the best I could do in substitute of an agitated sigh in wolf form.
I began to run throughout the forest, attempting to find a small clearing with a pound or stream. Water is my first skill I want to work on, a calming element. If I can't figure it out its onto air, earth, darkness, light and finally fire. Fire is a dangerous element to work on when you're surrounded by flammable materials.
I continued to run through the forest, jumping over a few fallen logs and rocks along the way before finding a small clearing with a small pond to the side. A wolfish smile spread over my face before I trotted over to the pond. I closed my eyes as I sat next to the pond, hoping for the Elemental Wolf to show up to teach me. Please Elemental Wolf, I need your guidance. I pleaded. As if she was alive, she appeared in front of me when I finally opened my eyes, making me jump slightly. She smiled, our identical eyes connecting as she did so. He elegant clothing and skin shined bright.
"Hello, Harmony. Ready for your first lesson?" Ella questioned softly, I answered with a nod before she seemingly flew over to the water, placing herself in it.
"I hope you know what elements are strongest against each other." She paused. "Water is the weakness of fire, fires is the weakness of earth, earth is the weakness of air and finally, air is the weakness of water. Out side of that, light is the weakness of dark and that goes the other way around as well." Ella clarified, I simply nodded, anticipating more of her knowledge, like how to move the freaking water.
Ella's hand lifted to her side as it hovered over the water before it slowly lifted in a small ball towards the raised hand. Excitement grew.
The water floating in the air became shards of ice before it was launched into a tree about 10-15 metres away.

"It's not as easy as it looks. It will frustrate you. You'll learn how to manipulate the elements in both human and wolf form. Are you ready for the task at hand." Ella's voice dripped with challenge as she smirked.
Oooooohhhh, finally some bending of the elements! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.

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