Chapter 20- Answers And Questions

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Derek's P.O.V
Sage, Johnny, James and I sat in silence as we waited for Harmony to come back. Her voice is so angelic, heavenly, it's as if I was being rapped with silk, I love it. If Sage thinks he's going to 'trade' mates then he's down right insane. My first mate rejected me so fast, she didn't even try to get to know me as she came from another pack. I had found her, I tapped her shoulder making that electric feeling go through our bodies. I smiled, all she did was turn around then frown with disgust before rejecting me, her name was Kara Andrews, she had brown ambrè hair paired with brown eyes, she was short and thin with curves. I became a very cold alpha for a while, no one really wanted to be near me, not even my beta. Once my wolf howled that we were given another mate I packed up myself and a few pack members to find her. We searched about 6-7 packs before finding her, my one and only, my life line. Harmony. I thought she was a child when I caught her scent to find her in the closet, it freaked me out until I uncovered her from all the clothing, my wolf howled and pranced. I wanted to grab her up, sling her over my shoulder and take her home but she radiated fear.
"Harmony, can you fill in the blanks for us?" Sage huffed, I jumped slightly as I got out of my thoughts. She scanned the room, making her decision on whether or not to give them more information.
"I want my questions answered first." She hissed, venom dripping from her voice, teeth showing. We all sat there in silence staring at her. She stood there patience, but it wasn't lasting. I cleared my throat, catching everyone's attention.
"Ask away." Was all I could manufacture, her features relaxed slightly, as did ours. She hardened her features when her gaze landed on the three guests on my land.
"Why are you three idiot musketeers here?" She sneered, she obviously disliked them. They probably did something to her in her past to make her disdain them. I took a deep breath as Harmony's hands clenched into fists, anger swelling.
"Three idiot musketeers?" Johnny questioned.
"Why are you being cruel?" James exclaimed, surprised.
"We're here because I wa-." Sage began but was cut off by Harmony exploding.
"Me? Cruel? Are you fucking serious? I'm the cruel one because I'm mad at you for those months of torture simply because I couldn't shift at the 'correct' time! Boo-fucking-whoo! You guys enjoyed torturing me, you enjoyed it! You showed no remorse, you guys were mice in lions clothing, teaming up with your pack and the rest of the fucking school so excuse me for being pissed to see you!" Harmony spat, lips curled as her teeth showed. She radiated power, heat was coming off of her. Literal heat. I sat there in disbelief as my mate had fire engulfing her from no where. Her breath heavy as she stared down Sage.
"Harmony get out of the fucking pack house!" I ordered. "Your on fire! Literal fire!" She froze then looked at her self, panicking internally she gripped the door handle and ran out of the pack house leaving spots of fire around where ever she stepped, pack members began to put them out with water or fire extinguishers. Sage, James, Johnny and I ran after Harmony. Once we got to the front door we saw harmony sitting on the ground meditating. Am I seeing correctly? I put my fists to my eyes and rubbed once I finished that I blinked a few times. Yup, I'm not crazy. I strode over to Harmony's side cautiously.
"Harmony, what are you doing?" I questioned, I didn't know what to say, I just saw my mate burst into flames and now she's sitting here perfectly fine.
"Are you stupid?" Harmony retorted, I snorted with a silent shake of my head although she couldn't see me. She sighed as she opened her eyes and looked up at me.
"The Elemental Wolf, she gave me her powers. If I get too angry now, I burst into flames. If I get too sad water surrounds my body, so on so forth. It's a." She paused, looking for correct terminology. "Defence mechanism, it's a shield. Basically. The Elemental Wolf told me to meditate if I get too angry, calm myself down." She stood from the ground and brushed herself off before walking up to Sage with closed eyes before opening them to reveal a blissful blue and demanding read. A frown casted over he face before she spoke.
Harmony's P.O.V
"Why. Are. You. Here?" I spoke slowly, my eyes directly alined with Sage's. He studied me, looking for any hint on whether or not it would be a good idea to tell a lie or the truth. He's also probably looking for fire.
He sighed. "I came searching for you because, well." He rubbed the back of his neck, a classic among guys. " because I was matched up with Alpha Derek's old mate that rejected him, when we found out our mates had been switched we wanted to switch them back as they are the original choice." Sage's eyes dropped and refused to connect with mine, I stood there in utter shock and disbelief.
'Oh my goodness our real mate wants us back! Oh yes he does, yes he does, yes he does!" My wolf, uh, oh. I don't know her name.
'What's your name?' I internally questioned her.
'My name, miss Harmony is Alexia, don't dare call me Alex.' She growled the last part. Internally rolling my eyes I jump back to the first subject. Our 'real' mate.
'You really think I want to go with this poor excuse of a mate?' I huffed. She gasped.
'He's our mate, the first one, the best fit.' She said matter-of-factly.
'I don't care, he rejected us without giving us a chance!' I hissed back at Alexia. She huffed, defeated, but spat back a reason retort.
'Then don't do the same god damn thing!'

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