Chapter 10- Settling In And Setting Things Straight

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Harmony's P.O.V
"Ashley, you know better than to insult your Luna! What's gotten into you?" Derek growls, dark and light fighting in his eyes. His wolf is trying to gain control as Ashley insulted his mate so he wants a severe punishment while Derek is trying to be logical, I'm guessing. I place my hand on his shoulder, his head snaps towards me making me shrink a little before shaking my head and signalling that I need a pen and a piece of paper. Derek walks over to, I'm assuming, an office or the kitchen to grab what I need, once he is back he hands it to me. I nod in thanks then sit down.
You guys fed me well enough to get up my strength while we were driving here, I can handle it. Please don't baby me. I wrote.
I stood up and showed Derek the slip of paper, he sighed and nodded, giving me the okay.
Handing Derek the items I had I positioned myself in a simple fighting stance and signalled for Ashley to come at me, she seemed a bit surprised but quickly covered it and began coming at me. I studied her movement but I couldn't get anything out of it before she was too close so I simply sidestepped making her run past me, she slowed and turned clearly fighting with her wolf. A weakness but not what I need. She came at me running again then I saw it.
Her weakness.
Her right leg, she babies it. Mostly likely because of training accident or a rogue attack, however it happened it gave me the upper hand as she doesn't know any of my weaknesses. Once she was close enough I grabbed her right arm as she pasted making it so she couldn't go any where then I used my left foot and stomped on her lower right leg, once she was on one knee I let go of her arm and spun around and sent my elbow into her nose, making a good reassuring crunch. She howled in pain and cowered away from me, but before she was out of sight she said in a hushed manner;
"You stupid bitch, you'll pay."
Derek sighed walking up to me, I looked up at him and smiled, he gave me a pat on the head and held out one of his hands, I had to think about it before I placed my tiny in comparison hand in his. Derek placed his other hand on mine and took a deep breath, I felt something like bugs crawling on my skin, making me shiver. Than I realized that all my burns, cuts and quite a few scars were gone. Poof, out of existence. I gave Derek a confused look.
"Mates can heal each other, babe." He cooed as he winked, I felt a blush red creeping onto my face so I looked at my feet, allowing my hair to fall surrounding my face.
"Would you like to see your new room?" Derek questioned as I stood there awkwardly as the whole pack body stood there staring at me in aw, I nodded and shifted closer to him. I didn't care if I looked like a child, I hate being the centre of attention, I used to be out going but now I'm not, although I want to become that person again.... When I'm ready.
Derek led me to my new room which was more like a pent house in an apartment building. A second floor was where my room and walk in closet is and down stairs I have a living room, kitchen and a bathroom with a desk and computer in the far corner along with a book shelf. When I looked in the closet I saw men clothing I turned around to give Derek a questioning look.
"I'll sleep on the couch until you're ready for me to sleep next to you." He held up his hands as he spoke, innocently. I put my right index finger over my heart and drew a cross asking if he promised.
"I promise you, my love." He cooed. My cheeks turned a red colour before I could hide my face, I saw Derek's eyes have the same light and dark war for however many times I've seen it. I backed up into the closet, whimpering, scared.
Derek's P.O.V
You fool, you're scaring our mate! She doesn't like black eyes! I growled lowly at my wolf, he's trying to break free.
We'll only kiss her, she has nothing to worry about! You know the torture of barely being able to touch her HAND! Let alone her soft, plush pink lips. My wolf cooed with argument as he hit the barrier harder.
I know but she needs to be ready before we do anything! I scowled So back the fuck off before I don't even let you see her. I growled with a slight bark to it, Chase, my wolf, whimpered away and stopped.
I let out a sigh and looked at my mate cowering in the corner covering her ears and hiding her face.
"Harmony, he stopped. He's not trying to break free anymore. I promise." She raised her face a little bit until she saw about my torso then hid again, shaking.
"Harmony, honey, let's get you into the shower and all cleaned up. How about that? I can make us something to eat while your in there. How does that sound?" I cooed my question sweetly. She nodded and crawled out of the corner she was in and stood, she reached out for my hand and began to write a word
S   O   R   R   Y. Was what she wrote, she was biting her lower lip as she wrote then looked away to her feet. My wolf howled but I growled at him and he whimpered away with a huff.
"There's no need to be sorry Harmony. It's not your fault about what happened to you. Do you understand?" I questioned, she nodded. I led her to the shower and placed a small kiss on her forehead just before she shut the door, I smiled at her nervousness.
What do you think she's thinking about? My wolf cooed happily.
I don't know. Was all I could reply with as she shut the door and locked it.
I got to work making a meal for my beautiful mate.
The one I'll love forever.

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