Chapter 4- A Breath Of Fresh Air

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Harmony's P.O.V
"Alright, what do you need?" I rolled my eyes, the Newbie that has been speaking smirked and simply stated.
"We need you to come with us after school, wolf." Wolf? What the heck is he talking about? I walked up to him.
"Are you apart of another pack?" I questioned, I know that he could be joking and I'd be screwed even more than I already am but hey, screw it.
"Yes, I am and so are they, we came because we know what's happening with your current pack and our pack leader has requested we come and." He paused thinking of the right words then continued. " retrieve you."
I blurted out; "You've got to be kidding me, you make me sound like I'm a stick your pack leader is after but is to lazy to do it his or her self."
He sighed. " either you come with us or we'll chase you down and drag you with us in wolf form."
I smirked. " The chase is on." And walked away to my locker to get my binder, textbook and pencil case for next class.
What was that all about? His pack leader wanting a girl that can't transform in his or her pack? That's way to crazy unless there's a hidden reason behind it. Well, I said the chase is on so I guess it's on, let's see how far I can get.
Third and fourth period go in much the same fashion, I sit down, block out every noise as much as possible and make up a game plan. Although I really want to leave my pack I still need the image of being strong enough to out run the opposite pack that supposedly wants me with in it. I head to my locker to put away my stuff, I have no homework tonight so I left all my stuff in my locker, it will make me lighter and harder to catch anyways. Leaving the school I had to be cautious I didn't want to get caught up with my old 'friends ' and I didn't want to run into the newbies and get caught that fast either. My caution payed off and I ran into no one but heading into the forest would be dangerous because they can actually be wolfs and not have to worry about being caught. I decided I would save my energy until they gave chase so I could sprint as fast as I possibly could and last for as long as possible.  I kept my breathing light and silent, listening to my surroundings, looking around me with the occasional spin so I can check behind me with more time to observe. My back and sides are the most likely to be targeted simply because I can't see the area around them or because that's where the forest first meets with me. Behind me I hear a twig snap and I bolt into action, swinging each leg rapidly to make myself go as fast as I could. I take a quick look behind me to see a big headed, four-leg creature right behind me, I take a look to my right to see no other wolf so I decide to slide down the slight hill and climb a tree. The wolfs circle around the tree, one groaning in protest, most likely complaining that it's not fair with me climbing a tree.
"You guys can run faster than me and there's three of you! Of course it's fair!" I begin to jump from tree to tree making my way slowly to my house. The branches become lower and lower to the ground as the trees here are younger and therefore smaller than the previous ones. The wolfs have seemingly disappeared but I know they're hiding and waiting for a sneak attack.
Reaching the ground I get up back onto the road, I could see my house in the far distance. Almost home.
Do a better job newbies, goodness. 
I think to myself with a chuckle. When the house is more into view I feel a burning sensation on my back, I turn around to come face to face with a wolf, male, I'd say considering how large it is. The wolf moves it's head towards my arm and taps it with its nose, then stands up on its hind legs and does a little dance as if saying; I've won, sucker!
I roll my eyes. "Which wolf are you? Are you male?" I question, the wolf nods.
" are you the one that spoke to me or the bystander? Left paw for spoke right paw for bystander." I gave direction and he put up his left paw. I smiled. I looked at his collar to see the jewel, it's a flame-shape jewel that's green with blue, the metal that raps around his neck is strong looking, the colour of iron with a bronze tint. A girl comes next to us, the one from earlier, with a hand on her hip and a hand out so I can shake it.
"My name is Lexi Smith, this guy here is Christopher MacKenzie and the other guy that was with us is Cole Hodswarth." I shake her hand with a smile greeting her.
"You probably know my name already but my name is Harmony Maddison."
She basically ignores that statement and orders me.
"Get onto his back, we caught you so you have to come with us now, we can get you new clothing as we know that's not what you wear normally, don't worry about your old pack, you'll be safe were we are taking you. Have fun with the ride." She waves as she steps into the forest and transforms into a beautiful white wolf with black paws. I turn to take a better look at Christopher as I was only looking at his identity jewel. His fur is this beautiful jet black colour with white spots covering his muscular legs. I jump onto his back and take hold of his collar.
"Let's go." I whisper to myself.
"Let's start an adventure."

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