Chapter 23- Rogues

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(In dedication to @Demonwolf2000 )
Sage's P.O.V
"Keep your wolf under control." Harmony hissed at Derek. "And have fun being with your mate." Harmony empathized the world 'mate'. I could sense the pain radiating from Derek knowing that his wolf screwed up and he had just gotten rejected by Harmony. He knows that he'll have to mark Kara if he wants to survive, it's all wolfs knowledge. Harmony walked over to me, and placed her hand comfortably on my shoulder and rested one of her legs, sending electrical shocks throughout me. Derek let out a deep growl of protectiveness, I glared at him while Harmony spat more daggers at him.
"Shut your trap. Before any news gets out to the packs there is an absolute must that has to happen." Harmony pauses. "We have to ally, I'm serious. 100% have to ally. If we don't all supernatural beings will perish. I don't think any of us want that." She orders, uncaring that she's next to two alphas and an unconscious beta. Oh yeah.
Some nurses and a pack Doctor of Derek's came into the room and carried away Tyler, checking his pulse and breathing.
Harmony's P.O.V
Once our conversation with Derek was over, I left them to go train as a wolf, particularly my running again as it's my favourite. I exited the pack house and made my wait to the tree line, I checked around me, sniffing the air for nearby wolfs, of either pack. No one came up to be close enough to see me as I stripped off my clothing, shifted into my Wolf and hid it inside a trees trunk before stretching then starting a trot, once I got too comfortable with that I began to jog which turned into a full out sprint. I felt the wind go past each strand of my beautiful fur as I dodged trees and bushes, jumping over fallen logs and rocks. I loved this. Being able to run almost worry free, there's still rogues.

I came to a halt at a nice stream pool in a small clearing. Beautifully placed flowers, rocks covered in moss and a few larger ones resting perfectly by the water. It feels like a fairy tale land, yet it's real, in front of me this very moment. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath before walking down to the stream pool and taking a few big gulps of water. It was peaceful, almost elegant.
A twig on the other side of the clearing snapped and my head shot upwards, I snarled and watched the tree lines, studying closely. As I studied I noticed a man come from the other side of the clearing, he wore black basic basket ball shorts and a black clingy T-shirt, he had blonde, long shaggy hair with green eyes. Another man came out a few feet to his left with red basic basket ball shorts and a white clingy T-shirt with Black slicked back hair, by its naturally produced grease and blue eyes. They both looked gross, covered in dirt and other undesirables. I growled, snapping my teeth at them as I got a good whiff of them. Rogues.
Blondey chuckled. "Your huge! Holy crap, what steroids did you take!" He started cackling hysterically, slapping his knee as he clenched his stomach. Slick stared at me blankly, arms folded over his chest. My eyes narrowed as I mind-linked with the maid once again for help.
'Get Sage and tell him to follow my scent, I'm with rogues. Tell him to bring his warriors. Now!' I ordered, she didn't answer but I knew she was doing as told. I had narrowed my eyes so I could still see but hide the fact I was mind-linking, once I was done I opened my eyes fully to notice more and more rogues coming into view, evil smiles smeared on their faces, they howled slightly as if saying 'it's meal time! It's meal time!' Or something along those lines. I snarled and barked, making them as deep as possible, I saw some of the rogues back up.
"Don't you dare back down or you will be the next meal!" Slick sneered, anger radiating from him. They all straightened up immediately, slowly stacking towards me, I watched each one for a limited amount of time looking for each weakness. The rogues obviously didn't notice I was looking for it as they backed off while I was staring, slowly slightly but still came forward.
Left front ankle, back left hip joint, front right elbow.
These weaknesses ran through my head as I studied, remembering each wolfs weakness. They stacked closer, about 5 feet away from me. I got in defensive position and watched them as they began circling me, perfect synchronization, they chuckled gruesomely, licking their lips. It made me want to cringe. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a wolf pounce at me, I swiftly turned myself around, ready for battle.
Sage's P.O.V
Once Harmony decided to leave and go for a run, it felt empty, I was missing apart of me.
'Go after her you little girl!' My wolf, Rick, insulted as he tried to push his way into control. I growled at him.
'You know her, she wouldn't be pleased if we did that. Let her have time to herself.' He let out a huff before moping in the corner. I sat back in my guest room couch as I watched TV, my eye lids became heavy as I fought sleep. I fought it for a good 20-30 minutes but the remote eventually slipped out of my hand as it laid limp, my eyes closing as the abyss called sleep took over me.

"What a loser! She can't even shift!" Monica cackled, clutching her stomach. Johnny, James and I had to play along, so we laughed as well, we all knew our laughs were fake to the max but no one else did.
"She'll be the omega forever, our slave. Excited for that, Elizabeth?" She continued through he breathless giggles. Elizabeth nodded as she laughed till her ribs hurt.
I sighed and looked over my shoulder to find Harmony hiding behind a corner of the pack house, some of her face was visible. Tears threatened to stream down her face. I felt sorry and pitiful. I was only playing along but she didn't know that.
Once she saw I noticed her she ran out of the pack house to her shed.

I bolted upright as a knocking on the door sounded, a panicked feminine voice coming through.
"Alpha Sage! Alpha Sage! Luna Harmony needs your help! Rogues! She says follow her scent!"

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