Chapter 5- Rejection And Wordless

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Harmony's P.O.V
It's been about a week since Cole, Lexi and Christopher came to 'retrieve' me, and honestly it's been nice, they accept me despite the inability to shift or the fact that I'm one of their weakest but gaining strength fast. We play pranks all the time, it's a lot of fun and they do it on all the pack members not just each other. Alpha Toby and Luna Phoebe are very kind and understand that my wolf isn't ready to connect with me, but it feels like they're hiding something from me, but I'm not going to push for information or else they might kick me out. I had to go to my school for the past couple days so I had to see Sage and the rest of my old friends.

"Why didn't you come to the pack house after school? You had chores to do." He says sternly, anger swimming through his features.
I put a hand on my hip and snipe back; "Aww were the poor children of your pack unable to clean up after themselves? Tough luck princess but I'm not doing your chores."
A low growl comes from him. "It's alpha to you and it's your pack as well and since your apart of it but disowned, you have to clean up and do the simple stuff that you can actually accomplish."
"If it's simple than why can't you guys do your part?"
Something in the back of my head yelled; mate!! He's our mate!
I was shocked, I blinked trying to rid the confused that fogged up my mind. He must of had the same thing because he was looking at me with an odd expression smeared on his face. An alpha that absolutely hates me is supposed to be my mate, are you kidding me?
He lowered his head next to my ear and spoke as quiet as possible.
"You will never be my mate, don't expect any sympathy from me because what my wolf told us. He does not make the decisions, I do so get lost, you ugly, useless freak." With that he walks away. I was dumbfounded, even though it didn't seem realistic doesn't mean I didn't want us to be a thing.
"I accept your rejection." I mutter to myself before walking to my next class, with a sad expression, the feeling like I was about to cry filled me, but I didn't let a tear escape. I can't let anyone know how that affected me.

After school ended I went to Lexi, Christopher and Cole. Lexi instantly knew what was wrong since her and Cole are mates. Mated wolfs can always tell when another wolf was rejected by their mate. She hugged me and I just about burst out into tears, and by just about I mean I did. I looked up at Cole and he had a blank expression on his face, and it confused me, but I didn't worry about that. I turned my attention over to Christopher and he had a sympathetic small smile, eyes gentle. By the time I was done balling my eyes out they had dried up and I couldn't open my eyes, it hurt and I needed to get a good 8 hours so they would feel better. Obviously, without my vision I couldn't see where I was going, Christopher was kind enough to carry me up to my new room. When he placed me down on my bed I smiled slightly and said my thanks but then he said;
"I'm not surprised Sage rejected you. He'll come back soon, I know what he has in mind, he thinks that since you've become the school loser, even though you aren't one, his reputation will go down hill but he'll figure it out soon." After Christopher said that he placed a small kiss on my forehead and smoothed back my hair. Darkness consumed me after that, a peaceful bliss.
Sage's P.O.V
Something in the back of my head yelled: Mate! She's our mate!
That came from my wolf no doubt. I refuse to have her as my mate! Look at her, she can't change into her wolf, she's weak, ugly and can't. Do anything right! She's not capable of being the packs Luna and my mate! I'd rather die than have her as my mate!
I lowered my head down to her ear and spoke;
"You will never be my mate, don't expect any sympathy from me because what my wolf told us. He does not make the decisions, I dose get lost, you ugly, useless freak." With that I walked away but not before I could hear her mumble to herself;
"I accept your rejection."
I instantly felt guilty and like I made a bad decision but I wasn't about to go back on what I said, I have a reputation to uphold here and among my pack.

"What the hell were you thinking you stupid child? She's not useless, she's not ugly and she's not a freak! You my friend are truly stupid! She is going to become very powerful, you are not worthy of being that wolfs mate!" My wolf scolded me.
"How is she powerful? Or capable of being my Luna, the packs Luna? She's weak! How can you not see that?" I accuse back.
"You are truly blind." Was the last thing my wolf said to me before he vanished to the far corner of my mind.
3 years later Harmony's P.O.V
The pack I had joined, was killed in front of my eyes by a pack of wolves that had a slight disagreement with them. A disagreement got them killed in front of me, the pack that murdered them decided to keep me alive because the beta thought that the alpha could use me as a stress reliever. I lived with Christopher and them for about 6 months before the rogues came.

They keep me in the attic, clothes that were more like rags and a mattress that was basically springs, therefore I slept on the floor as it is more comfortable. The alpha, Dominic, abuses me, at first I fought back but he eventually cut my food and water intake to a very small fraction of what I need to stay alive. I have no strength to fight an alpha.
I've become mute, I refuse to speak. Dominic is happy about that, everyone is. As for the cuts, bruises and burns I have received, he gives me high quality makeup to cover them when we have another pack over at the pack house. I have one nice dress and some nice flats to show them that I am 'happy' and healthy. Dominic answers questions for me because I've become mute.
My first mate had rejected me so now I'm looking for the second, the person that may save me but I doubt that he actually exists, I think he'll reject me as well if he does. My wolf still hasn't surfaced, which sucks but I can't do anything about it. How can I? It's not like I can set up a meeting with the moon goddess and ask for my wolf, now can I?
My door swings open causing my heart to basically jump out of my chest, making me stand and respectfully bow at my 'alpha' before he takes out his rage and anger on me. Closing my eyes tight I prepare for the first hit, but instead he yells at me:
"Open your eyes you stupid bitch!" I do as I'm told and stare at him, directly in the eyes, if I don't do that than he hits me with a hot iron bar that rests over a fire for a while before I enters the attic.
"We have an alpha and a few of his warriors and trackers coming to the pack house because he's looking for his one and only." He announces with an eye-role.
I nod, letting him know I understand what he's telling me and what I have to do.
"I want you to get ready, you know the drill. You better meet my standards or your going to get a really bad beating when that pack leaves." He sneers at me, I cower within myself but externally I just nob, understanding.
In the years I've lived here, I've never once met his standards as he already has a mate and she's absolutely gorgeous but a complete bitch.
Getting ready I had to hold back my tears. I dressed in my nice lace white dress with my black flats, grabbing the dirty hand held mirror I begin covering every visible scar, cut and burn I have, making myself look 'perfect'.

This is going to be fun.

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