Chapter 36- Dreams and Nightmares

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Sage's P.O.V
Harmony's hair tickled slightly under my lower lips, making me smile as I pull my face slightly away. A deep breath consumed me while my arms tighten around the small frame next to me, facing away, her breath is steadily going with her heart giving me some sort of unconscious relief.
The light from the two windows on each side of the bed is scattered over the bed in uneven chunks like how light breaks through layers of leafs on the tree branches. Harmony's fingers intertwined together gently near her nose, a few twitches here and there shook her as she slept. A feeling of completion fell over my wolf and I as my brain hummed with anticipation for her to wake up only to be scarcely disrupted by Harmony's nails digging into my arm as she squirmed and squeaked in my arms like she was having a nightmare.
"Help her! Help her! Help our mate!" My wolf called frantically as he body chucked the barrier I had set up for him. Harmony's squirming became thrashing, her squeaks becoming screams and whimpers. Without thinking, I placed arms around her waist as she thrashed, hugging her tightly. Her nails begun to dig into my back making me let out a slight hiss as she scrapped her nails downwards, pealing my skin away. Screaming turned to screeching, soon her voice will go hoarse and weak.
"Get the god damned doctor to my room now!" I used my alpha tone as I tried to cover the fear and worry that laced my body and mind. No reply came through but I know they're working on it. Harmony's voice cracked as she thrashed with all her might, making her screams more pained and quiet but non-the-less terrified. Seconds turned to minutes before the doctor came into the room in a rushed motion with a little brief case in his hand. His hand landed on my chest to push me back only to recoil at the notice of a deep, alpha-like growl that bellowed from my chest.
"Sage, he's trying to help your mate. Lay off." James scolded before dragging me out of my room where my beautiful mate lay, thrashing with a hoarse scream. My body felt shaky, scared and weakened as did my mind. Every step I took felt like my knees were going to buckle allowing me to fall but they never did, they stayed loyal to my needs.
"Man, what happened? She looked so panicked, petrified." James sighed worriedly as his hand landed on the back of his neck to rub it as if it was sore
"I- I don't know. She was laying there next to me so peaceful with a few twitches here n' there but it started to grow more frequent and with more strength, she started screaming than screeching. I tried to help but I couldn't do anything, she just wouldn't stop!" Forgetting the alpha role, my voice dripped with panic, worry and fear. Horrid, horrid fear as my body began to shack more violently, the screams still sounding from within the barrier of wall and door.
James' hand held onto my shoulder as he walked me over to a small little sofa in the hallway before forcing me to sit. My eyes scrapped up before landing on his face which told me not to stand. My body feels to weak to stand so I wasn't planning on it, instead I bring my legs up onto the sofa to land in a laying down position. James left towards my bedroom door to check on Harmony, once he opened the door there was a slight hesitation before he stepped in but no screaming, no sound of distress. Newly found energy swam through my veins as my body moved on its own accord, a glimmer of hope.
Once I entered the room I noticed the doctor sitting peacefully on a chair in the far right corner of the room as he went through his brief case, James sat to the side of Harmony who sat awake and well in front of him, her eyes directed towards me. A loud sigh of relief escaped my body as I moved towards her only to wrap my arms around Harmony in a tight embrace, a slight chuckle left her as her thin arms wrapped around my neck. Finally I pulled away from the embrace to sit next to her legs on the bed.
"What happened? Why did you freak out like that?" My voice laced with worry as I intently stared into her blissful blue left eye and her demanding red right eye, making my wolf hum.
She thought for a moment. "I... I don't know, I don't remember anything. All I know is when I woke up I felt a deep sense of fear choking me."
My right hand now located itself on the back of my neck as I rubbed it, a classic among us guys, I suppose. My other hand slid its way to Harmony's before intertwining our fingers together with a tight squeeze.
"Do you think it could be related to the elements you control or the up coming war?" I question.
"I know it's about the war, not the elements. Ella would have warned me about it if that was the cause." She responded matter-of-factly.
"Ella?" A confused voice drips from my lips as a confused expression smeared itself over my face.
"The Elemental Wolf told me to call her that." Harmony smiles before swinging her legs over the side of the bed to enter the bathroom with a small click. The pack doctor cleared his throat making James and I turn to face him as he sat peacefully in the corner of the room on the chair placed there.
"I haven't seen anything like that, how she panicked. I suggest keeping a close eye on her, or the consequences will be severe." The doctor warned, sternly, coldly. James and I looked at each other confused before turning back to the doctor.
"Or she'll die before saving the supernatural population and all supernatural life as we know it will cease to exist."
I'm so sorry I took so so so so long to update and I know this isn't an exciting chapter but I hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.

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