Chapter 21- Truth

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Harmony's P.O.V
I sighed, Alexia was to an extent, right. I closed my eyes, arms to my side just standing in front of Sage. I slowed my breath and heart beat, Alexia was trying to break free from the barrier I set up for her. She body chucked it, scratched it and bit it. I growled at hear viciously and she backed down, whimpering. I opened my eyes to see Sage fighting his wolf, his eyes having a war between light and dark. That doesn't mean the wolf is bad, it's just giving you an indication that their wolf is trying or is surfaced. His wolf stopped trying to push past his barrier, Sage's eyes were normal.
I growled. "Why did you reject me in the first place all those years ago?" Sage thought for a moment contemplating the reason, if there even is one.
"Because, I thought since I was the alpha and I was paired with a wolf-less mate people would deem me as unworthy to be their alpha." His body language went pitiful, no longer standing in strength but rather in defeat and self loathing, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Then I have no intentions of being your mate because you rejected me for a simple reason." I sneered, with a flip of my hair before turning on my heel and walking to the forest. I mind-linked with Derek
'Do you want to switch mates with him? Give me the truth please.' I sighed my question before stripping off my clothing behind a tree with the image of myself in wolf form, I didn't know my colours so I just imagined a black wolf with my new eye colours. I felt a few bones snap making me wince but other than that I was fine. I opened my eyes and looked down at my hands- my paws. I gave a wolffish grin.
'My wolf wants to, badly as she is the first mate but I don't want too. I couldn't imagine it.' Derek answered truthfully, the slightest bit of sorrow lacing his voice.
'Your wolf will take over then, he wants her and not me as she is your first mate. Your wolf won't allow you to hold me like you used to.' I croaked, I didn't want that to happen but I knew it was going to happen, and my wolf would probably do the same. The thought made its mark in my mind as I began a full out sprint with my large wolf. We dodged trees, jumped over logs and rocks, bouncing threw bushes.
'I know, it sucks. If we hadn't been told this then we would have been fine. Although I guess since we have been told this then it might be a good thing I haven't marked you.' Derek comments logically.
My mind goes blank and all I hear is Derek's last comment. Mark. It might be a good thing I haven't marked you.
Like a light switch, it clicked.
'Derek, go to our room, I'll be there ASAP!' I yelled through the mind-link happily as I made my way back to the house as fast as I could. Dodging everything in my path. I found the clearing where the pack house was, I bursted through the forest and bolted to the house, tearing up grass all the way, dirt flying. Once I got up the steps to the mansion like house I pushed the doorbell with my nose with ease.
"Coming!" A feminine voice called through the door before it swayed open, I saw one of the maids of the pack. People say that they are worthless as they can't do anything but they are actually really important as they keep the house clean making it a healthy environment for any on coming pups. I smiled at the beautiful women before realizing that I was covered in dirt and twigs laid in my fur. I smiled sheepishly.
"Oh, hello Luna." She said bubbly. I stared intently at her, trying to form a mind link with her, she grew nervous but sat still. Once the mind-link was made I spoke.
'Hey hon', do you mind getting out all the twigs from my fur? Maybe clean some of the dirt off of me?'
She stared confused for a moment. "Oh. Oh, yes of course, Luna!"
She came outside with me and begun to take out the twigs, one by one, being as gentle as possible. I stood there calming my heart and breath from the running.
'Where are you, Harmony? It feels like I've been waiting forever!' Derek exclaimed impatiently, I didn't answer. He can bloody wait another 5 minutes.
The maid began patting me down, removing easy to access mud without having to give me a bath. She got up front the ground, slapping her hands together.
"Alright, Luna! All done!" She gleamed, I bowed my head in thanks before bolting to the elevator and pressing the button to my room, waiting patiently my wolf got anxious.
'We are supposed to be with Sage not this idiot! What do you think your doing? Go find Sage! Make him mark us!' She growled, using all of her force trying to break the barrier I set. I sat still while fighting her before the doors opened. I bolted to the stairs, finding Derek in wolf form, but it wasn't Derek. It was his wolf, Chase and he growled deeply at me, teeth bared and lips curled in warning. He was ready to attack.
'What the hell do you think your doing, Chase?' I growled back, I took a defensive position. Chase barked at me and lunged making me back up to the stairs and tumble down, I held my breath until I knew I had reached the bottom. Chase barked at me with a snarl at the top of the stairs, slowly making his way down, snapping his teeth every so often. Standing up I bolted to the middle of a clearing in the room and took a defensive position before mind-linking the maid.
'Get Tyler and Sage to my room, now!' I yelled, her response was quiet. 'Yes, Luna.'
I focused all of my attention on the slightly smaller alpha wolf in front of me. He began circling me, doing trick lunges as I saw the light in his eyes fighting back, but having difficulties.

Chase lunged at me, catching me off guard as we rolled from the force.

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