Chapter 40- Idiotic Partners and Training

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I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in a long time! I haven't had much motivation, honestly. But I figured I should probably upload something before I disappoint you guys further. Make sure to check out my tester chapter for my second book that I want to write. Tell me if you like it or not. Seriously, I need something from you guys.
Harmony's P.O.V
The phones we had hooked up helped us but, we are still over whelmed. Each phone had at least another two packs on hold while they talked to the third, although the numbers are slowly going down. Derek and Sage stand emotionlessly staring into the two rows of pack members that answered each call, filling out the forms associated with this process. No one dared slacking off or they would hear from two alphas and the chosen one, I guess is what you could call me.

Eventually the calls died down, the extra phones were put in storage and a meeting for all higher up pack members, belonging to both Sage and Derek's pack, was being held. We sat around a long mahogany table with about 8-10 seats on the sides. Across the table Derek sat with his little bundle of joy, AKA his mate close to his side, or on his lap, depending on the line in which it's called being on their lap. Sage and I sat respectively on the other end, simply watching as everyone else got themselves situated.
Sage cleared his throat. "Whatever is said in this meeting must not be repeated in any form to any other pack member or person. If this does so happen then the end result will be death by wolfs bane wire." His voice commanding, threatening, a daring force that no one even taunted.
"Now, we have allied with every wolf pack, thank you to those who helped with the extra work associated with that. The reason is that a war is about to break loose from its weakening cage. A large, dangerous war. Many wolfs will die. Other species will die." Derek informed as his little toy curled up with him, carelessness streaked over her body language. Slight frustration raised itself to my notice, my brain telling me to scream focus, moron.
"We don't know how well this war will turn out or if it'll even turn out well at all. I know one thing, one thing that can help us exceedingly. Your effort. We need you all to help us win this war, that includes other pack members that are not allowed to join us within this meeting, if they are called apron, they will need training to help us win." Sage continued, power leaking from his tone. Nods from the pack members motioned before Derek called dismissal with the order for training. Derek's little toy glared at me, her arms linked with Derek's.
"Do you need something, princess puppy?" I questioned with a bland, bored tone. She snorted, arms dropping to her sides.
"No." She spat.
"Then why were you glaring at me?" I snipe back. She puffed herself out, trying to seem more threatening; her eyes narrowed. Stomping her way towards me, she growled, fist curled.
"Because you were eyeing my man." Her voice snapped aggressively. Her face inches from mine, but I kept mine blank, bored.
"If you think that then you are either high or stupid. I have my own man. Why would I need yours?" I crossed my arms, raising an eyebrow. She gritted her teeth and without another moment for notice, she shifted into her tiny, grey wolf. I couldn't help but role my eyes. A medium pitched growl gasped through her clenched teeth.
"Really?" I asked sarcastically with a slight notion of surprise sprinkled over it. She nodded slight before growling again while swiping her tiny paw. I chuckled.
I took a deep breath before I shifted into my much larger wolf. She backed up slightly before shaking off the fear. She snarled, showing her teeth. She got low before she lunged, a weak one at that. I lifted my upper body and slammed it onto her rib cage before growling as I heard some sweat cracking of her ribs. She whimpered. Sage placed his hand on my back, making me turn to look at him. He shook his head. A sigh left me as I mind linked with Derek.
"Sorry, but she did ask for it." I muttered before walking away with Sage. Sage had steered me towards the fighting ring. A small, sneering smirk laced over my lips. He jogged over to a tree, hiding behind it before emerging as a wolf. We both jumped into the ring and started circling each other. We snapped and snarled before Sage finally lunged towards me with power. I knew my normal tricks wouldn't work so I decided on using my air ability and smashed him downwards onto the floor. Her snarled as I chuckled.
"Use actual fighting. Don't just use your powers. They can't save you forever." Sage mind-linked. I rolled my eyes but nodded. We circled each other once again before he lunged again. This time, I turned myself to my side and took a defensive position. His head slammed into my body first, then along with the rest of him. Before he could stable himself again, I put myself above him. Raising my front legs, I smashed them into his ribs. He became winded but firmly planted his feet under me before sending me flying off of him. Quickly, I roll myself back onto my feet. Sage matched me. We both snarled at each other before we both launched at one another. Each of us going onto our hind legs; teeth snapping, nails scratching, paws smashing into each body like one would punch a punching bag. People began to surround us to watch. Some cheering for me and others cheering for Sage. Having enough of this, I jump back before sending my forehead directly into his lower half, making him slip into his back. Pretending to make the finishing blow, I place my open mouth just about his jugular. Sage stiffens as he lay there. Cheers and boo's erupt from the crowd. I snicker at Sage as he rolls his eyes. The crowd separated at one point, making a path way for someone to enter. It was Derek.
"Invaders." He growled.
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