Chapter 18- The Wolf

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Harmony's P.O.V
The pain sky rocketed making me let out another hoarse scream, my body beaded with sweat as my breath became more and more choppy. My heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest. I clenched my eyes closed wishing the pain away but of course, it didn't work. I dug my nails into the rocks as I tried to get to a softer surface. A scream escaped my vocal cords once more as the sound of a clock ticking began to run through my head.
Tick tock.
My eyes shot open, I gasped for air, I couldn't breathe, I want this pain to stop, its excruciating. Help me! Someone! Derek. I whimpered to myself. The pain was suffocating me, I kept gasping for air, little by little I was regaining my breath. I stopped moving and did my best to focus on my breathing rather then the searing pain.
Something touched my arm and I instantly relaxed. I knew it was Derek, I smiled to myself although the pain was still stabbing at me.
Tick tock.
Another pain ran through me, searing. My back arched and a scream enveloped the area around me and I knew that Derek had to cover his ears before picking me up, making me scream again, and taking me to the emergency room of the pack house. I struggled on the bed, they tried to put needles in me but I couldn't sit still and they ran the risk of hurting me, which would most likely put them on their death bed.
Tick tock.
"Someone strap her down so you can give her an IV!" Derek's faint voice yelled, his alpha tone dripping with worry and fear. The sound of people scurrying around became more and more faint as I began to fall into a deep sleep, a few pricks I had felt go in my arms as I relaxed and fell into the abyss called sleep where a peaceful, meaningful dream awaits.
Tick tock.
When my mind came-to I couldn't open my eyes, they felt glued shut. I sighed to myself, trying to break free of this blinding disadvantage. With effort my eyes break free of the binding but as soon as that happens I close my eyes again, I hadn't come-to, I'm in a dream and I'm surrounded by the colour white. A blinding white. I open my eyes and begin to squint, soon enough my eyes got used to the high level of light so I stand to begin wandering around this dream land. All I could see was white, I ran around nothing, it felt like I was standing in one place even though I could see my legs moving. I stopped and pulled at my hair in frustration, I've been doing that a lot lately, and took deep breaths trying to calm down. I took one last breath before opening my eyes and shock stomped into me, making my breath hitch and I became silent, nonexistent.
Tick tock.
Two beautiful ladies stood in front of me, the first one had silky-looking white hair and a nice white hood that was baggy and hung onto her head, her dress hugged her upper body nicely and spread out at the bottom, her skin wasn't icy looking but it didn't look warm either, her smile was perfect as she nodded in greeting at me.
The other beautiful women had two different coloured eyes, the left was a blissful blue and the right was a demanding red, her hair changed colour, beginning at black then brown, green and finally white, her lips small but plush as they curved into a smile, her skin warm. She wore a nice white dress similar to the first women's but it didn't spread out at the bottom, it hugged all of her nicely.
Water, fire, darkness, wind, earth and light.
The Elemental Wolf and the Moon Goddess.
"Hello, miss Harmony Maddison. I'm the Elemental Wolf but you can call me Ella. This here, is the Moon Goddess but you can call her Tiffany." Ella smiled. I couldn't move, couldn't speak I just stared in aw. Tiffany snapped her fingers in front of my face, snapping me out of it. I quickly bowed respectively at them.
"Hello, uh, Ella and Tiffany, um, why am I here exactly?" I questioned nervously. I stared at the ground as I waited for their responce.
"Well." Tiffany began. "You have been chosen to take the Elemental Wolf's powers, does that make sense? The reason for this is that there is a war upon us, if we do not win, restoring peace to the supernatural then I fear that all of us will perish."
"As I give you my powers." Ella began to speak. " you won't be getting the 100% package as I need a small amount to live, but I only need that small amount until the day you pass. You will be able to keep these powers until your death and once that is done, it will return to me. Until then, you will need to train, your strength must grow and so does your allies or we will not win, the rogues are not welcomed unless they prove worthy." Ella lectured, I payed close attention as I need to remember this, I stood silent until a question came to mind.
"How will I know if they are worthy?"
"You'll know, that information comes to you after a few days of being back with your wolf. They're rituals, but that's all I can tell you." Tiffany answered all knowingly. They stood there with worry covering them but also a lot of confidence. They looked so magnificent, so pure as wolfs and they radiated power, I felt small in comparison.
"Now, it's time for you to go, you need to go back to the physical world and help your pack!" They both announced in unison as the faded away and my body became limp and I felt heavy, I fell to the ground and closed my eyes before I was eaten up by sleep.

The sound of a heart monitor beeped in the ever nearing world I was coming back too, my body felt stiff and I needed to stretch. My eyes shot open and all I saw was a sleeping Derek in a chair next to the bed, his hair messy and dirty, I couldn't help but smile softly. I tried to climb out of the bed but something stung my arms, I hissed in slight irritation. Derek's head shot up and he looked at me wide eyed, mouth agape. I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion, Derek rushed out of the room, a few moments later he came back with a mirror.
"Don't freak out, Harmony." Derek spoke cautiously before he turned around the mirror to show me my eyes. The left was blissful blue and the right was demanding red. My mouth dropped as I couldn't quite recall why they were familiar until I remembered the Elemental Wolf. I began to get excited and I wanted out of bed, I tried to get out again as a smile grew on my face but the IV's that were in my arms kept me from getting up as I hissed again, I looked up at Derek.
"I'll go get a nurse so we can get those out." Derek smiled worriedly. I smiled and nodded. I took a deep breath as I rested my head on the pillow behind me and closed my eyes to see Ella standing there. "I won't be doing this a lot but there is something you must do as it is necessary. Speak." With that she was gone as if never existing within my head. I sighed.
Derek came back with a nurse a few minutes later so she could get the IV's out of my arms, she looked at me with a smile before she stopped dead in her tracks as her breath hitched and her expression went from happy to shocked.
"Don't worry, it's nothing bad." Derek said, lying as he didn't know the answers, before she continued to take out the IV's. Once she was done I crawled out of the bed to find I was in a hospital dress, I frowned, crossing my arms and tapping my toes at Derek before he got up to get me some clothes.
He came back with clothes and left with the nurse so I could get dressed, I put on a nice tank top with a skull on it and some black skinny jeans with black boots. I walked out to see Derek talking to people I thought I would never see again.
Sage, Johnny and James.

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