Chapter 11- Betrayal

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Harmony's P.O.V
When I finally stepped out of the shower fully dressed as Derek brought me clean clothes to use I was smacked by the most delicious smell I could ever imagine. Maybe except for Derek himself.

As I walk closer the smell becomes more intense making it so I had to hold back drool. Something snakes around my waist, well, attempts, jumping forward I turn around and punch them in the face. When I realize who it was I saw Derek standing in front of me.... His eyes the deepest black I've seen. Fuck. I whimper and start running for our main door but Derek grabs my left arm and makes me spin towards him but before I could hit into him he uses his free hand to lift me up into the air by the neck as he did with Dominic. I could tell his wolf was pissed despite me being his mate. Derek was desperately trying to gain control but it didn't excuse what's happening. He told me he wouldn't hurt me but that's obviously a lie, I thought he would be different but he's the exact same! Pain is all anyone wants to give me.

My thoughts started to choke as I hung from his grip by my neck, raising my legs I firmly placed my feet on his chest and pushed as hard as I could, making him drop me and fly across a short distance but it was enough to catch my breath as he hit his head and was currently dizzy, once I could I got up and made a break for it, to the elevator which I got in and pressed one of the button to close the door early as I saw a normal-eyed distressed Derek running toward the elevator as tears trickled down my face.

I held down the button so he couldn't call the elevator back up, once I reached the bottom floor I ran out of the elevator and made a break for it into the forest. I didn't know this part of the forest so I was running aimlessly, tears streaming my face.
"Harmony! I'm sorry, come back! Please!" Derek howled through the forest, I had blocked him from my mind.
"Run you bitch and never come back! I don't wel-!" That must have been Ashley, Derek probably hit her or something. I kept running, faster and faster, until my legs refused to go any faster. I found a cave and decided to run many circles around it so he had to follow it giving me time to think.
Once I crawled into the cave I found a smooth rock and I sat on it, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes. Sleep played at my head for a while until it took me over and brought me to the abyss.
Thinking wasn't going to happen for me, not today.
Derek's P.O.V
I grabbed one of her shirts so my trackers could learn her scent and look for her because I don't know if she washed herself off again to hide her scent, going alone would be stupid. I also mind-linked with the wolfs at the border of my territory to watch for her in case she tried to run away.
I caught onto her scent immediately outside in the forest, I ran as fast as my wolf could carry me. Soon I ran into an area where she ran around in circles multiple times, so I had to follow the weakest scent to find a stronger portion and continue doing so until I ran into a cave, I stood there for a moment before entering the cave and I saw my beautiful mate fast asleep, I couldn't help but give a gentle wolf grin before I lifted her up onto my back and slowly made my way back to the pack house mind-linking everyone that I found her and it was alright to head back or deal with what your first task was.
Once I was back I brought her to our room, I went into the bathroom to shift and get dressed.
Why did you do that, Chase? I scolded.
I'm still not used to the idea of her being our mate, remember what happened with that bitch, Ashley? Chase defended.
Yeah, I remember what she did. I wish we banished her right then and there when we found out. I sighed.
Walking up to Harmony I saw she was peaceful and happy where she was so I decided to go watch TV while I waited for her to wake up.
I began to watch my favourite TV series, Criminal Minds. I watched about 2-3 episodes before I got the brilliant idea to make something for Harmony, something to say that I'm sorry for what my wolf did. Hmmm, a nice diner, or a nice porch swing for our balcony. Why not both? I'll make the dinner for her tonight and then make the swing tomorrow so I don't wake her up. Perfect! I turned off the TV and connected my phone to my speaker and played nice alternative music instead of my heavy rock or plain rock like I usually do. With that I started cooking, nice juicy steaks cooked in all ways making sure I get her preferred steak with some potatoes, corn and broccoli. For desert I'll make a small chocolate cake with my special icing on top. I think that will be good? Yeah, I think so.
When I got about twenty minutes into cooking I heard a small whimper through my music. I must be imagining it.

For the next 15 minutes I kept hearing the faint whimpers behind the audio of my music as they grew louder, like screams. I paused my music to listen for it again and sure enough, there it was. Who could be doi- Harmony! I turned off all the burners before running up to help her because we don't want this place burning down either. I got to the door and I swung it open only to freeze as my beautiful mate struggled as her night mares came to life. I ran up next to her as she struggle and curled up into a ball mouthing "please don't! Please stop!" Repeatedly. I shook her with as much force as I could without hurting her.
"Harmony wake up, please!" I cooed quietly at first but I had to grow louder and louder to catch her attention, it was working little by little until her eyes flashed open with fear and shock darting here, there, everywhere, sweat beading all over her. Once her eyes landed on me she started tearing up and she made her shaky body crawl onto my lap and curl into a small ball while I rocked back and forth.
"Tyler, I need you to get a nurse up to my room with equipment to check up on Harmony for me, please." I mind-linked with Tyler.
"Yes, of course. What happened?" Tyler questioned. I kissed Harmony's forehead and continued to rock her.
"She looked as if she was in such distress, as if something really bad happened and she was reliving it in her dreams. I hated seeing her like that." I whimpered. Tyler understood as his mate has had something like that happen to her before.
"I hear you, man." Tyler responded before cutting off the mind-link.
I kept rocking her as she calmed until the nurse came, Harmony looked cautiously at her before looking at me.
"She's here to help, love, don't worry." I smiled softly. She nodded and allowed the nurse to do her routine check list on her.

Why was she so distressed like that?

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