Chapter 31- Mark

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Harmony's P.O.V
"I get to mark you. Do we have a deal, miss Harmony Maddison?" Sage questioned slyly, a large smirk smeared onto his lips. A frown crawled onto my face, a 'no way in hell' wanting to fall out of my mouth but I knew that it wouldn't help my case.
"When I'm ready." I bargained only to notice Sage's eyes already eyeing the base of my neck, turning darker shades ever few seconds, I don't even think he noticed what I said. I sighed as I closed my eyes. I'm so going to regret this, aren't I?
"Fine." I hissed, looking him directly in the eye as I spoke, before he snatched my wrists, making me lay down as he raised my arms above my head. A deeper frown made its way on my face as my wolf began to howl happily.
'Someone is finally going to mark us! Goody, goody, goody!' She giggled repeatedly as she pranced around. A small growl left my lips making Sage lick his, a shiver crawling its way down my spine. I awaited for Sage to be above me, his head low near my neck so his other scenes were masked by my scent. Once I deemed him close enough I wiggled my knee perfectly laying between his legs before quickly pulling my foot closer to my butt, making me knee Sage in his family jewels. What's with me and canning him? His eyes went normal as he howled in agony, automatically placing his hands over his nuts. He rolled over so I was free to leave therefore I did, I wasn't wasting any time.
"Where the hell do you think you're going, princess?" Sage murmured through the pain still, most likely, sky rocketing. I couldn't help but laugh at him, an alpha basically taken down with a simply knee to the nuts. How pathetic is that? Sage growled as I laughed, walking away with a sway of my hips as a tease towards the door.
"I'm going to let you sleep alone tonight as I don't want to be marked quite yet, and tomorrow I'm going to interrogate the rogue then, if your lucky. You can mark me." I giggled at his irritated huff, as he fixed himself up before positioning himself on top of the bed.
"Or you could let me do it now?" He stated it more as a question, he gave me a puppy-eye look, knowing that I couldn't really resist them but that doesn't mean I'm going back down with a snap, I can fight it... I hope.
Directing my eyes slightly lower then his eyes, I snipped.
"No, you can wait." I crossed my arms. Please moon goddess, don't allow him to notice were my eyes are looking, definitely not his. I prayed.
"Look me in the eyes, princess." He cooed, chuckling slightly. One thing, one simply tincy-incy thing. I sighed, my eyes moving upwards slightly, connecting with his puppy eyes making me soften up a bit. How badly does he want to mark me? If he's willing to use one of my largest weaknesses when arguing with a friend, he must be pretty desperate. Closing my eyes, I dug my nails slightly into my sides.
"No." I squeaked, unable to do more than that. I know he knows I'm breaking because of the evil laugh that came from him.
"Please." He cooed, extending the 'e' sound. I broke. My arms dropped to my sides as I sighed before sluggishly making my way towards him, once I was in front of the bed I sat, with my lower lip slightly extended outwards. Turning my head I saw the same lust in Sage's eyes, making me quiver. With a snap his hands were once again holding my wrists above my head. He lowered his head and begun to kiss the base of my neck looking for the so called 'soft spot' which is really just the spot were there isn't anything important, like an artery, if he hit that he would kill me so this was mandatory, wolfs know exactly were the male can mark once they find it.
A squeak left my lips and Sage stopped, making me close my eyes tight, preparing for a pain. I felt his k-nines extend and drag against my skin before sinking into my neck. I felt pain making me whimper but after it was peaceful and lovely, soft like silk. Sage got off of me, his eyes normal as he gleamed with pride as he looked at the mark he left on me before kissing it making an even larger explosion of the electric feeling bolt through me, making me gasp, he simply chuckled before pulling me into a hug and he took a deep breath of my scent.
He let go a little while after so we could crawl into bed properly. A blissful sleep fell over, allowing no denial.

My eyes fluttered open as I felt a bulky arm around my waist. Confusion flowed through me until I remembered what had happened last night. Quickly I bolted out of bed, waking Sage up in the process, towards the bathroom, turning on the light then getting really close to the mirror, in the background I saw Sage gleam at the mark he left on my neck from his k-nines. I ran a hand through my hair before brushing it and putting it into a French braid. I got dressed in a simply black loose T-shirt with white skinny jeans and my black boots before heading towards the wolfs bane cells.
"What do you think your doing?" Sage growled, over protectiveness bleeding through his words, he obviously didn't remember the deal we made, despite my not wanting too.
"I'm talking to the rogue, alone. Like we talked about." I stated sternly earning another growl, I growled back, making him realize that he wasn't going to win since he marked me. I begun my march towards the cells underground a few feet from the side of the house. Opening the door I instantly heard a few howls of pain, making me cringe from the volume they still had, despite that, I carried on. Passing cell after cell, prisoner after prisoner I finally reached the rogue, who looked up me with an evil, bloody smile. The rogue has a black eye, bruised hips and waist, what looks like a broken arm and one or two missing teeth. Despite all that looked like pain and nothing else, he got up rushing to the bars of the cell laughing hysterically as he clenched his fingers around the silver bars, making his skin boil and bubble, but he didn't seem to notice as he kept laughing, his eyes wild.
I kept my facial expressions blank to the best of my ability, un-wanting of what he could do if he knew my emotions.
"I want answers." I hissed. His actions stopped abruptly and his laughter died in a snap, he was looking to the right of me before his eyes shot directly at mine. Eye contact was made as he let go of the bars, placing himself on the cold stone floor.
"Depends on the question, as I." He paused, collecting his words. "As I'm not allowed to share everything with you." He chuckled to himself waiting for a nod from me in which I supplied before leaning closer, eyes narrowed.

"Where do we begin?"
Hello! Sorry if this chapter was boring but I needed to add in the mark part because, well, it needed to be within the book. Next chapter will be filled with suspense, I believe but I don't know if I'll be updating tomorrow (January 19) I hope you enjoyed this one for what it's got to offer. Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.
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