Chapter 37- Fire and Frustration

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Harmony's P.O.V
They didn't know I could hear them, or that I was leaning my ear against the door. They figured since the shower was running that I was in it not paying attention to their somewhat hushed conversation but that was all a trick, the doctors voice rang through my mind over and over. She'll die before saving the supernatural population and all supernatural life as we know it will cease to exist. The words the pack doctor spoke made me want to weep with frustration and fear, but I can't. I can't allow my pack, or any wolf pack in that matter, see me weak. It's a no go, against the rules, life or death, defeat or victory and I'm not taking defeat.
Pushing myself quietly off the door I tiptoe my way to the shower taking my clothes off slowly before hopping in. The water flowed over my body in peaceful streams, finding the fastest way down. My dry hair became damp before I began to clean it, shampoo and conditioner followed by body wash.
After stepping out I begun my daily after shower cleaning, washing my face and brushing my perfectly straight teeth. Dressing myself in fresh, clean clothes a sigh escapes my lungs as frustration builds. My fists twitch, my legs ache for some sort of relief. I know I'll need to allow this frustration out, it's a must, a need so I don't explode with large pieces of shrapnel piercing into everyone around me, destroying them.
My body goes on auto pilot, my legs moving as fast as possible, my nose twitching as I sniffed. Turning around a corner, left and down the hall, right down the long staircase with platforms for different levels before reaching the main floor than to the left towards the office where he must be located. My pace picks up, slamming myself into the wooden barriers, flinging them open only to find a sleeping Sage at his desk. His arms acted as a pillow for his resting head, my steps stopped abruptly as my breath hitched, my heart beat rapid. My gaze stayed directly on Sage who laid there almost lifeless, the only signal that he was alive was the slight lift and drop of his back as he took a breath. Tip-toeing over to his side, I saw a black pen laying next to his loosely curled up fist. Frustration grew heavier as Sage's motionless body taunted me as if saying I can relax because I'm not this all mightily, powerful being. I don't have a care in the world. Quietly snatching the pen from beside his fist, I lift the pen up in the the warm air before slashing my arm down, making the pen hit Sages head with a thud, making him jolt up right in the process. Sage takes a deep breath before slowly turning to face me with a smaller frown than my own.
"Need something, princess?" Sage questions bitterly, his body slouched in the office chair.
"Take me somewhere without flammable objects." An irritated tone escapes my mouth without my consent. My arms cross over my chest as my foot taps a rhythm, patients draining fast.
A sigh escapes Sage. "Fine, I know a place."  Standing, he grabs his leather jacket I had no idea existed, and keys before walking towards me. Placing his arm around me we begin to walk towards the front door of our guest house on Derek's property. Sage opens the passenger door politely for me before closing it and getting in himself.
Driving, Sage taps his thumb to the beat of the music in the steering wheel, trees pass us in irregular placements and heights. Bushes scattered around the bottom of each trunk, a small stream is visible between the tall, wooden pillars. The car turns right before going down a steel hill, I suppose, before traveling straight a few yards than going back up.
The vehicle turns right after another forty-five minutes or so before a large area covered by hardened dirt and rocks comes into my view, Sage turns down the music as he pulls the vehicle to a stop.
"This place good enough?" He questions as his eyes stare at my face, I nod before unbuckling my seatbelt and jumping out. A small smirk grew on my face as my legs walked me towards the middle of the large area where I could practice fire. My hands on my hips I study the area, surveying the land for any hazards, coming up empty besides the fact that Sage was right next to me.
"Sage, please sit in the car and watch me. I don't want to hurt you." The sound of a small pled left my voice instead of a strong commandment, none-the-less, Sage obeys before walking back to the car.
A deep breath enters my body as I close my eyes, raising my left hand in front of me imagining a fire ball in my palm. Slowly, I open my eyes to see a little ball of fire floating slightly above my hand. I imagine the ball of fire growing larger slowly, the ball obeyed and grew to the size I imagined. Next, I took my right hand up before splitting the fire in half before clapping my hands together and kneeling down before spreading my hands apart slowly. The image of a fire wall smeared itself in my mind and that's what appeared in front of me, a wall of heat and beauty, danger and protection. The image in my head bent into a circular wall around me making the wall of fire actually bend around me, making a fort-like thing around me. Taking my right hand away I make another fireball and a window writhing the wall before throwing the fire ball out than just before it hit the ground I made it much larger.
Can I control two elements at once?
Why not? There's no reason why I shouldn't. My right hand takes my lefts place in holding up the wall before my imagination picks up a solid piece of earth from the ground in a large circle. The ground breaks from beside me before shaping into a rough ball. The window I once created was re-opened again before I chucked the earthy ball through it. My imagination jumped to an explosion and within seconds blasts of hot air surrounded me as flying dirt and rock hit my body as i flew through the air, pain scrapping its nails down my body, making me howl a scream.
My head hits the ground with a painful and loud jarring to it, ringing in my ears screech before the blissful abyss called sleep swept over me.
sorry that I took a little while but here you go! I hope you enjoy and sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.

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