Chapter 24- Hints Of War

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Harmony's P.O.V
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a wolf pounce at me, I swiftly turned myself around, ready for battle. The wolf that pounced at me was the wolf with the back left hip joint as a weakness. The reason for the weakness didn't matter. The rogue traveled through the air, snarling. I hopped back slightly, as the other rogues gave us wider birth, so the rogue attacking me wouldn't land on me, flattening me like a pancake. Once he landed he spun so he faced me, but he exposed his injured hip joint doing so, I lunged, teeth bared ready to chomp down. I was quick, despite my size.
My teeth made contact and I put pressure down forcing the rogue to howl in agony, I pulled myself away. He babied that leg, he couldn't lift it probably because I tore through a few nerves, the rogue snapped his teeth at me and snarled. Getting up on my hind legs and I pushed forward with my front, causing him to put pressure on his injured leg, yelping as he fell over, he was no longer able to fight. I turned away from him looking for the next rogue who dared to attack me. I snarled, snapping my teeth, trick lunging at a few making them cower away. Two rogues on either side of me attacked, I laid down making them smash into themselves, once they did that I crawled away, once I was up I looked at either of them, one had the front left front ankle as a weaknesses as the other had the front right ankle as its weakness. They each snapped at me, dizzy before laying limp, unconscious.

Feeling a heavy weight fall on me, making my legs buckle as I tumbled over, growling and snapping my teeth. We rolled until there was no more force and got up. The rogue lunged, trying to bit my front right leg, thinking it was a weakness. Lifting my front feet, I smashed them into the rogues skull, causing yelps and whimpers before it laid limp, unconscious. I turned around, to see all the rogues teaming at once, taking steps back I looked for a strategy to get out of this, but found none.
"Lookie, lookie! The wolf doesn't know how to get out of this crook! What ever will it do!" Blondey sneered, laughing hysterically. Is he insane? A rogue trick lunged as I hopped away snarling. I know I can't take them all down at once, not like this, not without some sort of back up. I kept snarling.
'Alexia! What can I do!' I pleaded my wolf. Wow, I haven't talked to her in a while.
I kept snapping my teeth at the rogues, lunging back at them slightly. But they kept inching towards me as I inched away, lifting my feet high so I wouldn't trip.
'I, uhh, don't really know, I mean you could fight to the death but that wouldn't be smart at this time as the war is only showing hints of starting.' Alexia answered sheepishly, inwardly sighing I keep snapping at the rogues. How long does it bloody take Sage?

Out of nowhere a wolf came and body chucked a few of the rogues surrounding me, leaving Blondey and Slick standing in shock. The wolf wasn't Sage, but was familiar. Their scent made me happy, so incredibly happy, but I have to focus if I want to survive to ask my question. Taking this as my chance, I lunged at one of the rogues, hooking my teeth on their front elbow and twisting as I slid across the forest floor. The rogue yelped and howled as pain flowed freely, soon enough it tumbled to the growl, unconscious from pain and blood loss. Another rogue came at me but not before I could take a peak at the rogue wolf helping me, the wolf took on two wolfs at once, perfectly dividing his attention. No need worrying about him, I continued with the wolf attacking me, his whole front right leg was a disaster, he limped and couldn't put a sufficient amount of weight on it. He snapped at me, taking the chance I lunged and wrapped my teeth on his mussel until the sank in, he howled a hushed howl. Unwrapping my mouth I lunged at his right leg and snapped down as much force as I could. He snapped his jaw onto the back of my neck, making me growl, hushing a yelp. Side-stepping I body chucked him to his side before mimicking a move I've done to another. Stomping my paws onto his head, a small yelp left him before he went unconscious like the rest. Snarling as I looked up to find Blondey and Slick, I realized they had disappeared. Weaklings. Feeling a fire-like sensation at the back of my head, I turned to find the rogue that helped me staring intently. Confused for a moment I let out a small growl of warning. The rogue shook his head then started staring at me, realization hit and I allowed him to make a mind-link with me.
"Wow, side-stepper you can finally shift! I'm so happy for you!" He howled in delight for me. Side-stepper? Christopher? Maybe Cole or Lexi?
"Side-stepper? Are yo-?" My voice hitched at the sad memory running through my head. Watching Luna Phoebe die, the rest of that beautiful pack die in front of me. I fought to hold back tears.
"It's me, Christo-." He couldn't finish his sentence, a large wolf ran into him, growling deeply. I sniffed the air to find its Sage. Oh my god. No! They continued to role until Christopher's back smashed into a tree, knocking the wind out of him. I bolted, panic filling me. Sage had Christopher pinned, he was trying to get out of his hold without causing harm. I dashed, I couldn't let Christopher die, no way no how. Certainly not after all these years I thought he was dead. No! I reached them, smashing my body into Sage, making him stumble away from Christopher, I leaned down in a protective position over Christopher and growled. Sage turned to face me, he was growling until he noticed it was me, and looked at me with confusion.

"Don't you dare hurt him." I snarled through the mind-link.

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