Chapter 9- New Pack New Home

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Harmony's P.O.V
Starring out the window I realized I'd have to meet a new pack, a new family. My breath hitched and my heart began to beat faster and faster while I began to shake. What's going to happen? Will they disapprove of me? Will they hurt me like the last pack? Beads of sweat appeared all over me, my heart went faster and I was hyperventilating, Derek stopped the car and ran around to my side, opened the door unbuckled my seat belt and picked me up. I curled up into a ball in his arms, my nails digging into his back, he swayed there while he held me. Tears began to flow to my eyes without a second warning as I began to cry silently, I tried to hide my sobs from him but he pulled his chest away from my face and he saw the streak marks on my face, I got out of his arms and cowered away from him.
He's going to hit me. Rang through my head, I brassed myself for impact but it never happened, all he did was sit next to me rapping his arm around my shoulder as he began drawing small circles on my upper arm.

Soon enough my breathing and heart beat went back to normal and I was quite tired. Derek lifted me up and placed me in the front seat and buckled my seatbelt before he kissed my forehead.
"Please don't be afraid of me. Your my everything." He mumbled sweetly, which made me feel like I could melt and turn into a puddle right there and then. The car began to move and we started our way back to his pack house.
I still need to get used to the idea of it being my pack house, as a Luna.
Derek's P.O.V
After Harmony's panic attack I placed her in the car and said that she was my everything, you could tell the effect I had on her with those words, I gave her a kiss on the forehead which my wolf howl in delight and growl telling me to kiss her on her small but plush lips, I told him no because she wasn't ready but she'd come around, he simply huffed at me and pouted.

We're about a mile or two away from the pack house so I mind-linked everyone there and told them we were close so clean up as much as possible.
"Yes, alpha." Was their response. I saw Harmony twitch and a little whine came from her, I looked over expecting to see a happy, drooling face but instead I saw a tortured, pained face, no drool but she was biting her tongue or cheek so hard there was a small trail of blood coming from her mouth. I reached over and began shacking her.
"Harmony, darling, wake up now. We're almost there." I said gently but no response so I repeated myself but a little louder with a little more strength towards my shaking of her. She shot up, eyes racing everywhere, confused until her gaze reached me and her face softened before tears threatened to break free. I took her hand, she flinched at first but relaxed and brought it up to her cheek with a soft smile pulling at the corners of he small, plush pink lips, although they were cracked and unhealthy I really wanted to kiss them.
When my hand reached her cheek it felt like 1000 volts of electricity came from her too me, and I felt my wolf trying to surface, my eyes turned a shade or two darker, when Harmony looked up she was a little frightened, she cowered to the far corner of her seat and covered her face.
You idiot, Dominic's eyes were probably black when he abused her! I growled at my wolf, he whimpered an apology and stopped trying to surface. I gave Harmony a slight tap, she refused to look up for a moment then raised her head and saw my eyes normal and let out a sigh of relief.
"I won't hurt you, Harmony. I could never even think about hurting you. Do you understand?" She looked surprised but over joyed as she nodded. I realized that we had parked in front of a mansion like house for the pack, it wasn't fancy and perfect, it was like a normal house but for an entire pack. I pointed to the house and looked over to Harmony, only she wasn't there. I panicked, where did she go? I got out of the car and felt a soft body bump into me while a 1000 volts came from it. There she is. I turned around and looked at my beautiful mate to see her shaking slightly but trying to keep a strong image.
"You're going to be okay, babe." I said to her through the mind-link. She jumped, but nodded at me.
I mind-linked with a few pack members to get our stuff while I gave Harmony a tour of her new home.
Harmony's P.O.V
We walked to the large house full of pack members I'm soon to meet. Two rushed out and began to unload the car, which I didn't mind. Once we entered the house I saw so many pack members. Tall and short, Strong and weak, male and female, it didn't matter what they looked like. What mattered was that all of them were staring at me, only me. I hid a little behind Derek but eventually stepped out or else they may deem me as weak and unable to be their Luna.
I realized I looked gross as I still had all my burns and cuts that need to heal and I had many scars all over me but some stared in aw and some stared trying to show me up, trying to intimidate me. Which they succeed but was I going to let them know that. Hell no!
"She's worthless! She won't be a good Luna, are you fucking kidding me Derek, this tramp is who you brought home? Throw her to the rogues and have a Luna that's strong and sexy and more your type." I heard a feminine voice shout as she came through the crowd, once she was through all the pack members she placed her hand on her hip and smirked a smug smirk at me.
You are in for it. I smirked back.

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