Chapter 3- Defence From The Pack Of Idiots

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Harmony's P.O.V
I hit the button on top of my alarm clock, groaning. I seriously don't want to exit this room, no one can reach me easily in this place and its relatively peaceful. I get up 45 minutes later than everyone else because I don't want to deal with my 'friends' and by this time they are already gone and headed off to school. I drag myself out of my bed and head to my shower, locking the bathroom door behind me, it just feels safer than leaving it unlocked because I don't trust anyone within my pack, my parents refuse to even speak my name now and I do all the chores so everyone else can train, I've become the pack-mule. Rinsing myself off from all the soap I used. I stepped out and whipped off the steam from the mirror and took a look at myself, I made a disgusted expression when I saw myself, I guess their comments were finally kicking in. Oh well. I go to my suitcase and grabbed a plane grey t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans with some simple white shoes. Boring I know but it's what I've got. I grab a granola bar and eat it quietly, just sitting on my bed, my mind going a million miles per second, my eyes began to hurt as tears swelled up threatening to break through what strength I had left. I gave my cheek a gentle slap, finished my granola bar and went to brush my hair and teeth, I parted my hair at the side, finally I grab my jacket and my bag and start heading to the hell hole secondary location, school. I like the walk to the school because I'm surrounded by the morning calls of the birds in the forest, it's the only other peaceful place I can get to. Taunting through the trees was the brick wall of my school, a heavy breath gives way and the peaceful feeling vanishes. Walking through the front doors I keep my head down and pick up my pace, I got my locker switched so I could stay away from my 'friends' and because they don't know where it's location is so my locker door doesn't get slammed on my arm. They're usually situated in the cafeteria of the building, so I don't feel the need to watch my back so sharply in the mornings. I make it to my locker in relative peace with a few comments like;
"What a loser." Or "When will she get lost?"
Thrown in my direction but nothing I haven't already heard, so it doesn't bother me as much as it used too. Although one comment did catch my attention.
"Did you hear about those new students in the school? Two guys and a girl, we should probably warn them about her."
Three new people, lovely. A sigh escapes as I reach my locker and unlock it, putting all the contents from my bag into my locker except my binder, textbook and pencil case.
I begin to head to my first class when I see my 'friends' standing in the hallway in the direction I usually go to get to my first class so I head the opposite direction to get to it, avoiding them in the process. Reaching my first class I sit in my usual seat, in the far back corner away from everyone else so I can have the slightest slice of peace within class. Johnny, Monica and Elizabeth are in my two core classes for this semester so I won't be surprised if they are next semester, although I only have Johnny in my option classes which is a relief because it always gives me a bit of a break. First class begins and everyone stumbles into class, I don't look at the doorway because everyone usually makes some rude comment about me watching the front of the room so I stare at my books, I got a drawing book that I've become quite fond of because I can take my mind off of things around me, and I've become quite good at drawing so it's enjoyable. Our teacher stands in the front of the class once everyone is seated and the lesson begins, I zone out, having no interest in the lesson and stare at my books laid out in front of me.
The class is over and so is the second one so we are now onto lunch break. Now-a-days I sit alone in a corner with a plane granola bar quietly thinking to myself. After I'm done my granola bar I silently begin to walk over to the only garbage can in the stupid cafeteria, because that was smart, to throw away the wrapper. Out of the corner of my eye I see Elizabeth, now 16 years old, walking towards me with a tray full of food while all my old 'friends' are watching her, seemingly making bets. I figured out what she was going to try and do simply by the smug smile that's smeared on her face. A second before she could fake trip towards me I sidestep and take another step so I was behind her, as she was tipping the food towards the ground I us my arm and tilt it towards her chest and give her a nice push with the other arm, a little boost so the ground can give her a messy kiss.
"You should be more careful, you almost got that on me." I state blankly at her, no expression as she screams whilst she gets up.
"You owe me new clothes you stupid bitch!" She screams at me. I shrug it off.
"It's not my fault your clumsy." I state walking away, with a single wave but then I stop and turn towards my 'friends'.
"Who won those bets you were placing?" I question, no one says anything, I smirk.
I walk towards the one entrance that doesn't have anyone that can harm me except the three new students, but the have nothing against me so they can't do anything to me.
"Hey, sidestepper." One of the newbies calls out, they must be referring to me when they say 'sidestepper' so I turn around to face them with a blank expression.
"Is there something you need from me?" My voice bland, bored almost. The same guy replies to my bored question.
"Yes, in fact." He smiles. " We do."

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