District 10 Male: Darius Lionel

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Name: Darius Lionel

District: 10

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality: Darius has become a quiet, violent and mean boy after his father passed away 8 years ago and secretly hates animals. He has a cold heart and he is very skilled at killing animals.

Appearance: Darius is the spitting image of his father, with brown, curly hair and pale skin and hard, coal-black eyes. He has an average height of around 1.73m.

Background: Darius lives with his mother and older brother, Douglas, who is 23. They are very poor and love Darius very much but instead he has an unexplainable hate for them. He has attempted to run away numerous times.

District Token: His father's watch

Choice of weapon: Bow and arrows

Superpower: Ability to communicate with animals, which he hates.

Wattpad User: JoJo_Hong

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