Task 2 :: Surprise!

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The high ranking Gamemakers stood on the balcony, supervising the lower  Gamemakers sitting around the pristine, white, circular table, surrounded by holographic buttons and controls. A nervous tension pervaded the air, filling each of the Gamemakers. Iris frantically worked with the other Gamemakers to assure that the Arena would be ready in time. President Avilia waited anxiously for the nine-tribute Arena to be showcased. She did not know how the public would react, but was equal parts terrified and exited to to show off their creation. Winter, however, was worried only about if there would be enough death to fill the watcher's hungry minds.

"Are we ready, Ms. Underwood?" President Avilia called from above, an impatient tone hidden in her voice.

Iris flinched slightly, and a photograph on a small desk moved slightly, before she gained control of it.

"Y-yes, President." Iris replied timidly.

"Then, get the tributes in the tubes, and bring them to the top."

"Yes, Miss President." One of the lower Gamemakers announced.

A smile graced the President's face, while Iris's contorted nervously.

"Wait!" Iris called out quickly.

"Stop the tubes!"

The President's expression quickly turned foul. Glancing downwards, she put on a terse expression and Iris could practically see venom drip from her teeth.

"What. Is. It. Iris."

Iris quickly whispered something to another Gamemaker, who quickly moved her hand, manipulating a portion of the Arena in the hologram.

"Fixed!" Iris squeaked, before adding, "Sorry for the delay Miss President."

The elation had abandoned the President's face, but she still gave a small smile as she called out, "Then let the games begin."


The Task: This task is the bloodbath task. Your tribute has arrived, perhaps they are loading into the platforms/tubes or are simply in the lower loading area. When your tribute races off of the pedestal, they find they suddenly have powers. Perhaps their powers activate, but the tributes suddenly have superhuman powers, and needless to say they are surprised. Then, almost like a glitch being fixed, they "remember" that they have had these powers their whole lives. They know how to control them, they might even make up memories around them. As this happens, they also feel the ground begin to tremble, then shake, then suddenly change, parts rising, parts falling, creating small hills and valleys, which change quickly and violently, perhaps throwing the tribute around. After they have made their way to the Cornucopia, they will exit the area, or attempt to. As they try to exit, a large wall suddenly enters their line of vision, so abruptly that they are still running when they come in to contact with it. Their foot hits the wall, and rather than bouncing off the wall, they begin to run up it. As they run, farther and farther up, they will start to feel like they are losing grip, but will not fall. As they reach the top of this towering wall, they find themselves, on the ground, in a new place, which they have never seen before. The surroundings are so dark that they cannot see anything. This is where the entry ends.

The Layout: The Cornucopia has been replaced by a strange, magical orb. It can be described however you like, but your tribute is drawn to it, sitting in the center of the ring of tributes. Sitting around it, interspersed among the traditional weapons and foods, are strange packages, also to be described however you want. The packages do uncanny things to your powers, and to the tribute the effect they have being up to you (cancel out powers, amplify them, change them, etc. or things like memory loss, confusion, etc. for tributes's symptoms). Some may affect the tribute immediately, others may happen long after your tribute exits the circle if pedestals. Some might do good things, some might do bad, but your tribute has to pick up at least one throughout the entry. They may also carry the packs with them, past this task, if the tribute thinks it would be an advantage. Doing this could be a serious advantage, or it could hurt the tribute, the tribute is unsure. The walls are at the perimeter of the area, a large expanse of plain grass. The wall is extremely tall, but otherwise can be described however you like.

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