Task 7 :: Voting

29 1 2

Hello, and welcome to Finals Voting!

I am using the voting system that I have seen on many other Games on Wattpad. You will read each entry, and decide which one you like the most. You will then PM me the order of these tributes, in 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. 1st place will get two points, 2nd place will get one, and 3rd place will get none. You should also include a nomination for the Wild Card tribute, someone who you think should get recognition.

A reminder of...

The Finalists




Rules: (Please read)

Finalists may vote.

All votes must be sent through PM.

Anyone who was once a tribute or was not involved MAY vote. (Please do, otherwise it will not work.)

You may NOT put your own tribute in as a nomination for Wild Card.

The Wild Card is a tribute who did not make it to the finals, but who you think deserves recognition.

You may NOT beg for votes, vote twice, or vote from a puppet account.

Voting should be based on the quality of entries, NOT based on friendship or personal rivalry, nor likes/dislikes.

Readers are encouraged to vote.

You must provide two reasons for your choice.

The semi-finals policy change will be factored in at the end, for your vote Darius may still be voted as first.


If you are caught violating these rules, you will be automatically ELIMINATED, or if you are not involved you will be BANNED from my Author Games.

Save tie situations or a lack of voting, I will post once, to let people know that voting is taking place, but after that I will not interfere.

Barring tie situations:

Voting will end at 5:00 PM, October 4th, 2016 EST Time

~ Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.

Author Games: Superhuman {Closed}Where stories live. Discover now