Task 7 :: Finals

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The top Gamemaker's meeting room was deadly silent, and if it wasn't, Iris doubted sound could travel through the dense, palpable tension in the room.

"I...uh...lost...um...my earring." Iris stuttered out, then dropped to the floor behind the beige desk, pretending to search. Quickly, she unhooked the glittering earring from her ear lobe and stood.

Iris held the piece of jewelry out for all to see and quickly blurted out, "Found it!"

Immediately, she scurried back to the relative safety of her own desk. Highly suspicious, President Avilia questioned Winter, "Then what are you doing with those papers?"

"Um...I was helping her look...and I thought it might be under the papers."

Still unconvinced, but seeming slightly subdued, President Avila quietly closed the door behind her.

Winter quickly slipped a beige folder over the mental health papers, to disguise that she had seen them. She then hurried behind her own desk. President Avilia was about to speak when a loud commotion began outside the door. The door was rapidly kicked in, scraps of wood flying through the air. One hovered just in front of Winter's face, suspended by Iris's telekinesis.

"We've got her!" The shouts came.

President Avilia wore a rare look of terror on her face as the heavily armored Peacekeepers stormed through the door. Soon the room was flooded with Peacekeepers, and two grabbed the President by her arms and began dragging her through the door.

She shouted obscenities and pleas of innocence, saying that she wasn't truly insane, and that she had been set up, tricked, and a number of other excuses. All related to an "anonymous Gamemaker" whom no one could see or remember. Assuming she was making all of it up, the Peacekeepers continued dragging her through the complex maze of halls. Iris and Winter followed close behind, perplexed by the sudden turn of events. Behind them were the rest of the Gamemakers and nearby staff, none of them understanding the scene taking place ahead of them, but all of them shocked and enraged by it. If the peacekeepers had been attempting to execute the endeavor quietly or stealthily, they would have failed miserably.


Back in the deserted control room, a form emerged from what seemed to be thin air. As his feet struck the ground, he tripped, but rolled onto his feet. He cracked his neck as he thought, haven't done that in a while.

He quickly hopped over to the control table and his fingers danced over the familiar keys.

"The show must go on."


Hello! Welcome to the FINALS of Author Games: Superhuman! You've all worked hard to get here, and you all deserve it! You are each amazing writers, and I look forward to reading your final entries!

The Task: After the president's fiasco, the control room is mostly vacant for a day or two. Only the anonymous Gamemaker is left, unofficially and unbeknownst to anyone, in charge. Immediately, he wants action. With only three tributes left, he decides that it is most definitely time for some big action. Before leaving the control room, he rigs the arena with all sorts of traps and obstacles, supernatural, technological, and everything in between. What he specifically does is up to you, but keep in mind his character and what he would do. Then, he enters the arena. He miraculously appears in the center of the room where the glass triangles still momentarily divide the tributes, who are all now awake and functioning. He may speak to the tributes, may not, but then he presses a button on a remote in his hand. Another gas spews through valves, and this one is a little different. Each tribute decides that the Anonymous Gamemaker must die. When he eventually raises the glass, every tribute begins to hunt for him, as he leads them through whatever traps he previously set up, to one main area. Immediately, towering walls rise and trap the tributes inside. When this happens, he disappears, along with the effects of the gas. However, remember that this means he is back at the control room, causing havoc within the section of arena. He may also come back at any time. Nothing besides the lack of water and food in the section of arena dictates that the tributes must fight, however with high tensions and the knowledge that the only way out is to kill the other tributes, fighting eventually breaks out.

This is a pretty open challenge, but here are some things to remember.

The anonymous Gamemaker has full reign over the arena. He may come and go as he pleases, invisible or visible, and can transport wherever he likes. When the walls come up, he leaves momentarily, but could come back at any time.

I am looking for a strong battle scene, and someway of showing the anonymous Gamemaker's character, or at least what you have learned through the introductions. I am also looking for serious creativity! This challenge is very open, so I am really interested to see what you all come up with!

Word Count: Unlimited

Due Date: 7:00 PM, September 20th, EST Time

Deaths: 2

Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

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