Task 5 :: Team 1 ( Eva Gonzales & Marissa Claire) Entries

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The girl was suddenly surrounded by four walls, enclosing her in a room the color of steel. She turned around in circles, desperately trying to get out of the trap she had walked into. The only sign of anything was a light in the middle of the room. The tribute sighed, knowing nothing would happen if she just stayed where she was.
Her feet took a step towards the middle of the room, the back of her neck crawled, anticipating a disaster. After nothing happened, she slowly took another step, stepping right under the light. Looking down, she saw a grey circle around her feet. The girl tried to jump off it, but ran into a glass cylinder. Her fists started banging on the glass, desperately trying to escape. She could hear screaming, realizing it was her own frantic voice. The plate began to move upwards, lifting her with it. The tribute could do nothing about it.

Above, four tributes had just appeared, separated in pairs by glass. The two girls in the same side looked around, confused at the other, when they found a note on the platform.

"A battle with a twist, a struggle with an alliance.
Wear your partner's shoes to this dance.
The loser will take the other's skill to the grave.
While victory favors those who are brave." Marissa read the ominous message out loud.

"Really gives another meaning to 'stepping in others shoes', huh?" Eva remarked, grinning.

Claire chuckled slightly before her features became a mask of seriousness and preoccupation. "You do realize this means that if we win..." She hesitated slightly at her next choice of words, "There will only be three of us left."
In the air hung unspoken the death of either girl.

"For now, let's at least kick some butt." Marissa continued, surprising Eva with her sudden change of mood.
"That's the spirit." The tribute from district one smiled.

Across from the transparent wall, two boys where also talking to each other; the girls recognized them as the male tributes from Districts 9 and 10, Darius Lionel and Justin Conner. They seemed to be discussing something, the taller boy gesturing his hands in a wave motion.
"If we want to make it in this fight we need a good strategy." Marissa said, interrupting the girls staring into the glass. "First, let's figure out each other's powers."
Eva's hands went to the back of her neck and she unhooked her necklace, holding it in her hand in deep thought. Finally, she seemed to come to a decision and she moved the owl necklace forward to Marissa.
"My- sorry, now your- power is to create and manipulate fire," The necklace fell swiftly from one tribute's hand to the other, "however, that doesn't make you fireproof. This necklace can help with that though, it used to be my mom's. The capitol returned it with its new ability at the cornucopia"
Marissa grabbed the ends of the necklace and hooked it on the back of her neck, thanking Eva. "I got a trap making kit and a fuse fire starter." The curly girl layed her orange bag on the floor, opening it to reveal a folded silver net on the top and many useful materials underneath. "The net should camouflage to its surroundings when spread and wrap itself around the slightest touch."
Eva whistled, impressed. "Nice. I think I have a good way to use that." She looked over to the glass, calculating her plan. "So my new power is manipulating others, does that include appearance?"
"Yes, but be careful.
It drains your power very quickly." She stopped, her eyes showing realization. "I know what you're thinking and it sounds like a good plan."
Marissa took the net out of the bag, careful not to unfold it, and a couple of sticks that seemed to be the right length for their plan. Afterwards, the two girls spread the net carefully hanging it by the corners with the two sticks. It changed from silver to transparent slowly, the corners gripping the sticks holding it tightly.
Eva looked over to where Marissa had positioned the trap. The tribute quickly did a scan of the room: the four metal plates set diagonally across the room, separated by a glass wall. The trap was set on the edge of their side of the glass, ready to snare any tributes. She nodded, pleased with their course of action. Then she took out the fuse fire starter, giving it to Marissa with conviction.
"Use this when he's trapped, we can barbecue ourselves a tribute." The curly girl put it in her pocket, nodding in understanding.
The girls shook hands, aware of the many outcomes this fight could have.
Eva looked down at her worn shoes, stained with dirt and blood from the games. "I just want you to know... Before the blood bath begins..." she hesitated, awkwardness pouring out of every fiber of her body. "I am not a 'career tribute' killer, ok? I am a survivor and I sincerely hope either one of us makes it." Gonzales smiled.
"I do too," Marissa said sincerely, returning the smile. Her eyes glistened with hope, like dew drops on a cactus. The beauty of a wish contrasting the reality of the bloody games. "it has been a pleasure working with you."
Marissa took a deep breath and looked back towards the boys. One of them was flailing his arms in a frustrated manner. She smirked. It would be okay. She looked over at Eva as the two boys stood to face them. Eva was sweating, but only out of anticipation. She had made it to the final four. Her purpose was survival.

"Tributes," a voice said over an intercom. Marissa took a deep breath, steadying her racing heart. "Let the battle commence." The glass lifted up slowly, and the girls looked quickly at each other, filled with confidence and adrenaline.

The boys rushed towards them. Eva ran towards Darius, quickly tackling him, then changing their appearance.
She disguised her voice and yelled out, "Justin! Help!" Eva allowed Darius to beat her up to make her helplessness convincing.
/Stop/, a voice said in her mind. The voice multiplied over and over, becoming louder every time it spoke. The sound was overwhelming, the message amplifying it's sound as well as the pain, leaving a trail of cracks. Her concentration started to break like a glass with the crevices slowly rooting and spreading.

Marissa had been dealing with Justin, but was struggling keeping away from him. She heard Darius' voice scream out, knowing it was Eva. Turning around to face Justin, a flame quickly danced in her fingertips. She threw it at him, daring him to approach. He stopped in astonishment and confusion, giving her the moment of advantage she needed. Marissa smirked, then threw another one at him. As he dodged, she ran full force at him, flames spreading throughout her arms as she tackled him in a fiery embrace. He fought back, making her yell out in pain, yet she continued her hold on him. He stopped his struggle as she brought her hand dangerously close to his face.

Marissa looked over at the other fight, and saw the two tribute's faces switch back and forth. She had to help. Eva wouldn't have much energy left, pulling the weight of her borrowed power. Marissa shoved Justin hard against the floor, then lifted herself up to ran over to the ongoing combat. She picked up the short girl and pulled her up. The curly boy got up and ran over to Justin. Eva started to follow, but quickly stopped.

Justin and Darius talked quickly, Darius pointing at an apparently empty space behind the girls. They directed their gaze at Eva, a dangerous glint in their eyes. Marissa glanced at the brunette, then pushed her away quickly. Darius ran with all his strength at Eva, slamming her into the net they had set up earlier. It quickly wrapped around her, trapping her like a spider's lunch. Marissa sent a spark towards her feet, and the fuse fire starter caught flame. It engulfed the net in flames, and the girl let out screams of pain. She burned, her body contorting in pain and despair, but was quickly silenced as Marissa threw more fire on the net. The sound of a cannon echoed through the room, cutting through all noise and leaving only the crackling of the flames.

Justin looked away, then back at Darius. "I'm sorry," he said.
"So am I," Darius replied. His face slowly melting into the face of the supposedly dead Eva. She walked over to Marissa. Justin's eyes filled with rage as he realized what had just happened. His features changed into a mask of furious anger and betrayal, his eyes sparkling with a flame of rage grew from upset to furiously angry. He yelled loudly, then charged at the two girls. The glass wall came down, separating the trio right before he reached them. His fists slammed against the glass in a fury, then melted into desperation as his eyes became glassy. Marissa and Eva faced each other, turning their face from the wrecked tribute.
Eva inhaled sharply. "Good luck." She said grimly, her tone contrasting the message.
Marissa nodded. "Same to you. I can only hope one of us survives."
Eva looked down. "And if both of us survive?" The question they both had on their heads finally spoken.
Marissa looked away towards the burning net. "Then I guess I'll see you later."
A wall came between the two, forcing them back onto their plates. The two nodded at each other with conviction. Their gazes shifted to the broken Justin. He had collapsed to the floor of his platform, his fists beating the glass in a slow and repetitive motion. His eyes brimmed with tears, cracks almost visible in the surface of his pupils. A cylindric wall came up around each of the tributes' platforms, the survivors descending towards their next challenge. The unforgiving glass slowly sinked as their background changed, replacing metal with the remains of their fight.

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