Meet The Gamemakers: Iris Underwood

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Name: Iris Underwood

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Position: Arena Design

Years as Gamemaker: 1st Year

Appearance: Startling red hair and emerald eyes, her appearance is anything but mild. However, her scrawny body type often allows her to blend into the background if need be. She doesn't like to stand out too much, so her makeup is very minimal and pale.

Personality: Often preferring to blend into the background, Iris is extremely shy and doesn't like being the center of attention. Her mind, however is always running a million miles an hour. Just not always on topic. She has a very imaginative mind, and while not fairing as well in subjects such as history and geography, excelled in creative writing, engineering, and math. She is always creating something in her mind's eye. She isn't ruthless or cunning, and is a little timid about killing, but for an aspiring engineer or designer arena design is the highest level, and she didn't fight her way up for nothing.

Past: Iris's parents always pushed her to be the best in everything. Her grades had to be stellar, she had to win at anything she participated in. Sports, intellectual competitions, even her kindergarten spelling bee. Iris managed to do so, always achieving the best for fear of losing her parents' love. Soon though, she found that she began to just want to design things and became extremely devoted yo her goal. Anything that wouldn't help her reach that goal fell by the wayside, including much of her compassion.

Superpower: Telekinesis

What she looks for in a tribute:
Iris is looking for someone who prefers brains of brawn and is extremely intelligent, with a mind like hers. She doesn't care if you're a ruthless killer or kindhearted, but you have to be determined to come home.

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