Task 3 :: Entries

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Darkness, that's all Eva could see. Her beating heart played fast drums for the silence. It made no difference if her eyes were closed or open. Breathing quickly and nervously, her fingers tapped on the side of her tribute uniform. The adrenaline from running after the gong had passed; all that was left was uncertainty. After picking up a wonderful package in the cornucopia, she had run towards the unknown. Now she was in a dark room, clutching her dagger and searching for the threat soon to come.
     What if I die here?

     Bum.  Bum.  Bum.
     The drums of her beating heart led a sudden burst of light, dazzling Eva.

      Bum, bum, bum.
      Again, darkness, it was like the calm before a storm. She could feel something was coming.

       The flashes of light were getting faster, and so was her heart. The light was accompanied by slowly crescendoing noises.

        Suddenly, her senses screamed in agony. What was happening? For a few seconds she wasn't conscious of anything but pain- pain so bad that her ears rang and her vision went red. With the next spurt of light, she saw her blood bathed right arm. Eva cursed and looked for her attacker, but it was hard with all her senses in an overload. She couldn't even hear herself think.
        Gonzales screamed and felt more pain- her right arm was injured again. When her vision cleared and she could breathe normally again, she found herself surrounded by chaos. The tribute was pretty sure her arm wasn't supposed to point that way. Her brain was screaming at her body to do something; to protect herself. She flung her other arm up, and summoned white hot flames to the unknown. The unseen mutt didn't even whimper or flinch from the fiery attack. Eva pulled out her dagger and started desperately stabbing at the dark, but it was hitting asphalt with a toothpick.
       The tribute tried a last resort way of hurting this monster. Her bloody fingers raised to her dagger, shaking badly. Pain flared everywhere. From behind her, the mutt scratched her scalp, making Eva almost pass out. Flames danced at the tips of her hand and engulfed the metal of her dagger. Eva had to move or she would die but she had to try this before. The metal emitted heat and began turning a burning red. Gonzales' senses told her the mutt was to the right and she stabbed it with all her might.
      The burning dagger seemed to infuriate the mutt more than hurt it; now it attacked faster and stronger. Eva yelped at the sound of her left leg breaking, and fell on her side.
       The tribute lifted herself up in pain. Her arms were throbbing; she started limping away from the mutt she couldn't see. No, correct that, mutts. There were multiple beasts, and she had the feeling there were more to come.The lights were dazing, the sounds confusing and the pain unbearable. This was designed to break her body in every way the capitol could, rendering her unprotected and her abilities useless.    
        The talents she was the proudest of were her fox-like thinking, her speed and her fire skills. The scrawny girl didn't get good grades at school, nor did she know the square root of 590; but Eva Gonzales would be gone before you noticed, with your wallet and your pants in flames.
         Now, in this pandemonium of a "test" all her talents were useless. No matter how fast she ran, she got injured. Her neurons couldn't move with so much noise. The fire didn't even seem to harm the mutt.
      The only advantage Eva had right now was being able to use her fire skills without being scared of them herself. Gonzales wasn't fireproof, so her own powers could hurt her- at least up until she grabbed the packet at the cornucopia.
        The packet contained the necklace her mother had given her; an owl made of gears. How the capitol got it from her room, she didn't want or need to know. The important advantage was: when she wore it, she could resist the hot fire she used as a tool. Yet, none of this helped right now, the monsters were invincible.
         I can't win this battle, thought the tribute, because that's not the capitol's purpose.

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