Semi-Finals (Task 6) :: A Change of Pace

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"So... what do you think had President Avilia in such a bad mood yesterday?" Winter asked, under her breath.

"I don't know," Iris responded curiously. "But it isn't our business." Iris finished with resolve, sighing unsatisfactorily.

"Oh, come on, don't you want to know?" Winter replied tauntingly.

"Well," she sighed angrily. "No. No, no, no. As soon as we start investigating, she'll come through that door and find us searching."

"No, she won't. Look, don't you remember when she said she was speaking on a bluetooth? President Avilia doesn't wear a bluetooth. No one wears a bluetooth anymore. They were popular, like, decades ago. She was lying."

"Oh, fine!" The curiosity finally got the best of Iris.

"I'll check her desk. You keep an eye on that door." Winter quickly made a plan.

As Winter raced to the President's desk, Iris quietly clicked the lock on the door from across the room, figuring that if the President entered, it would at least buy Winter time to get back to her station. After scanning the top of the endless stacks of papers, Winter locked on to something that peaked her interest.

"Papers from the Mental Health Department!" She exclaimed. "They think she's unstable..." Winter muttered.

"Unstable?!" Iris jogged to the desk, unknowingly letting the lock go back to it's original position.

"Yeah. They had some complaints, so they put her under observation. She's been officially suspended from office..." Winter muttered, shocked.

"What are you two doing at my desk?!" President Avilia shouted from the open doorway.


First of all, I would just like to congratulate everyone for persevering and making it through to the semi-finals!  You all are amazingly talented writers, and every single one of you deserves to be here! Also, there will be no more published scores, and no more rankings or cumulative scoring.

The Task: As is common, this is the dream task and memory task. While contained in their glass triangle, a gas is pumped through as small valve. Once you tribute breathes in, the gas enters their lungs and immediately goes into action. Your tribute enter a dream full of memories, good or bad, but pertinent to their character. This should focus on their character development, and can be more than one memory, like a montage, or it can be a single flashback memory. It can be your tribute viewing it like a third party, or reliving it. They might know what's happening during, or after, or not at all. They may try to fight back, or see flashes of the present flash into the memory, but whatever way you do it make sure the memories are creative and pertinent to character development!

Also, I have seen this with a few other Author's Games, and I am modifying it slightly. For this task, you will choose an instrumental song, that I will listen to while reading your entry, You can make the overall mood or pace of the entry the same as the song, or make the changes in mood or pace line up (imprecisely of course because of possible differences in reading speed) with the changes in mood of your entry. No words. No speech whatsoever in the song. I do not mind finding instrumental versions of a song, but please PM me the name and (if you have one) specific cover or version. I am all confident you can work with this, so be creative, and have fun!

(Also, if anyone reading this also enjoys instrumental music, check out the band Eklipse.)

Word Count: 2,500 max

Due Date: August 12, 4:00 PM, EST Time

Deaths: You can have one if you really want, but you probably wouldn't see it, so if you do, come up with a creative way to see it happen.

Author Games: Superhuman {Closed}Where stories live. Discover now