District 6 Female: Marissa Claire

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Name: Marissa Claire

District: 6 Transportation

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: Marissa is easily able to make friends, but she only encourages friendships when she speaks, resulting in her being silent. She prefers to go unnoticed (and does so quite well), but when she wants to, she can push herself to be the most "seen" person. She barely ever jokes, but comes off as funny to most of her friends.

Strengths: She is very trustworthy, intelligent, and strong, though her appearance says otherwise. She is able to pick up a talent of anyone else just by watching them.

Weaknesses: She can never tell people she loves them, and it hurts her that she can't. Her appearance is very misleading, and that is a problem when it comes to making friends who have a better appearance.

Appearance: Marissa is very thin, but very strong. She has a height of 5' 4.5". She has blackish-brown hair that falls in curls down to her waist. She prefers to wear her hair up in a ponytail. Her eyes are hazel with flecks of blue dancing around them.

Background: When Marissa was 6 years old, her mother and father died at work. While putting luggage on the train, the engine exploded, sending her parents and everyone else into an immediate death. She had one sister that went with her to the orphanage, but was pulled into the games when she was 13, leaving Marissa to fend for herself at age nine. She found a job as quickly as she could as a mechanic, and knows all of the capitol devices inside and out. She typically works twelve hours a day to maintain her place in the orphanage, and to help the other kids. When she isn't working or sleeping, she's sets up traps and pranks for the other kids to lighten the mood. This has allowed her to be very skilled when it comes to making things and setting traps.

District Token: A fuse in a bottle, small enough to be worn as a necklace and be unnoticed. It was the last thing her sister gave her.

Choice of Weapon: Any piece of metal, but she can put just about everything into good use.

Superpower: Manipulation. Of both the mind and body, it can be very dangerous for both her and the victim.

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