Task 3 :: Mentis & Corporis

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President Avilia's glare cut across the meeting and silenced all speech immediately. That should really be her superpower, Iris thought to herself. Winter snickered out loud, as she had been tuned-in to Iris's thoughts at the time. In response to a pointed glare from President Avilia, Winter quickly apologized, "Sorry, Ms. President."

With a deep, annoyed breath, President Avilia asked, "Are the mutts ready?"

"Vicious and cruel as ever!" Winter exclaimed.

With an angry expression, the President shouted at the young Gamemakers. "Then why aren't they in the Arena?! Game reveiws are dropping! With the smaller tribute numbers, they can separate and not fight. We need the mutts! Send them in now!"

"Okay!" Winter exclaimed, scurrying to her keyboard.

"Someone's in a mood today." Winter muttered under her breath.

"Do you have something to say Winter?" President Avilia asked maliciously, while Iris walked slowly backwards, attempting to make herself as small and unnoticeable as possible.

"No, but I do!" The voice seemed to have no source, and it was familiar only to President Avilia, as she was the only one who could remember it.

"Who is that?" The girls shouted, almost in unison.

President Avilia rolled her eyes at the invisible Gamemaker's antics, and responded, "What would that be?"

"Why aren't the tributes fighting? How come the mutts have!'t been released? Are we slacking?" Came the sarcastic reply.

Her anger built and President Avilia began to go red. Her body began to shape itself into an animal-like form, starting with ferocious eyes, at which point the anonymous Gamemaker took his cue and left. Momentarily she muttered to herself, but composed herself as the girl's heads slumped to the desks. With their memories gone, the young Gamemakers awoke, and quickly reported to their duties.

Tapping a few keys, Winter drawled, "And the mutts have been...released!"


Welcome to the Mutt Challenge!

The Task: This the mutt task in our Games! For this task, the tributes will be split into two groups, based on their powers! These are the mind group and the body groups. (The title is those terms in latin.) The powers in the mentis/mind group are those that have to do with - you guessed it - the mind or brain! These are things like telekinesis or telepathy. The other group is the corporius/body group. This group is made of powers like flying or creating fire, that affect the tributes physical abilities or outside forces. I have made groups, so we will abide by those if there is a power that is in the middle. The mutt will appear differently to each group, so below are the tributes in each, and the challenges facing each group!

Tributes in the Mentis/Mind group: Marissa Claire, Justin Conner, Darius Lionel - Your mutt will not be seen. The tribute will stand in the dark, unable to see anything. Although, they may see or hear things that are not there, they will sense nothing real. The mutt will exist in the tribute's mind and it will plague them and try to break them. They could experience bad flashbacks, situations, fears, things that never happened, but that they are tricked into thinking did happen, cause hallucinations, ect. Be creative and make sure they are things that would really affect your tributes! I want good, strong feelings, that draw me in and make me feel empathy and sympathy. Your tribute should experience this for a while, but then one of two things should happen:

Option A.) Your tribute manages to force the mutt out of his/her head, which can be achieved anyway you decide, so be creative! After this is gone, your tribute finds themselves in a small room painted black with no objects in it. A small light glows from the ceiling, enough to illuminate a small package on the ground, just like the ones in the bloodbath. Your tribute will not open it, but it is small enough that they can pocket it, and that's exactly what they do. The entry ends directly after they take it.

Option B.) Your tribute doesn't get the mutt out of his/her head, but instead learns to live with it. They can figure this out any way they want to. They do not have the package and the entry ends as soon as they figure put how to live with it, and they can finally see the room with black walls and a small light.

Tributes in the Corporis/Body group: Eva Gonzales, Quinn Parker, Aaliyah Torren - Your tributes will also not see the mutt, but they will feel it. First, before the mutt is introduced, blinding strobe lights flash, and continue to flash the entire entry. Loud noises fill the room, and attack your tribute's senses. Then comes the mutt. Suddenly, although your tribute doesn't see it, the mutt is attacking it. Your tribute will feel extreme pain, which can be described however you like. (Animal claws, stabbing, overall pain, etc.) The pain should be extreme, and its effect on the tribute should be described well. It should also draw me in and make me feel empathy and sympathy. After they struggle with this for a while one of two things can happen:

Option A.) Your tribute manages to kill the mutt or force it away, which can be achieved anyway you decide, so be creative! After the mutt gone, your tribute finds themselves in a small room painted black with no objects in it. A small light glows from the ceiling, enough to illuminate a small package on the ground, just like the ones in the bloodbath. Your tribute will not open it, but it is small enough that they can pocket it, and that's exactly what they do. The entry ends directly after they take it.

Option B.) Your tribute doesn't get the pain to go away, but instead learns to live with it. They can figure this out any way they want to. They do not have the package and the entry ends as soon as they figure put how to live with it, and they can finally see the room with black walls and a small light.

Both options are equal, so feel free to chose either.

First Entry (+1)
Second Entry (+.5)
Best Way to Achieve Option A/B (+1)

Word Count: 2,500 Maximum

Deaths: 1

Ballots: 2

Due Date: June 12, 3:00 PM EST Time (I know that where I live the end of school is coming up, which is why this time frame is so long. If school is really hitting hard, (finals and such) please tell me, and we can work out a later due date!)

Ballot Challenges:

1.) [7] Eva Gonzales & Marissa Claire: You have obviously intimidated the competition, and President Avilia is pleased. You both will receive an extended due date of 12 hours.

2.) [4-2] Jusin Conner, Quinn Parker. & Darius Lionel: You are in the middle of the competition, and President Avilia knows the capitol does not show interest in like middle-ground tributes. As a result, you will have a shortened word count of 2,250.

3.) [1] Aaliyah Torren: The Capitol takes interest in underdogs, so President Avilia is rewarding you and hopefully helping you progress. You will have an extended word count of 2,750.

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