Task 4 :: Entries

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Hello everyone! I am SO sorry for how long everything is taking! I have been overrun with all kinds of things, and I am just finally getting an opportunity to do this. Here are entries, scores and everything should be released very soon.
Thank you so much for being patient!



Eva stood indecisive at the room she had ended her last challenge in. She hoped this door in front of her would open to candy and hugs but something told her this may not be the case. She inhaled sharply and opened it into a hallway lined with new doors.
    "Big day for fans of doors" she mumbled as she examined the nearest one. Her fingertips stroked the rough black material softly. When she lifted her hand away it was stained black. Curiously she twisted the handle and opened the door. Eva was surprised by a curtain of flames that burned her clothes off, yet didn't leave her naked. That would have been embarrassing. Instead, now she had dull and stained overalls and a helmet.
    "What the-"
    Eva was interrupted by a hand on her shoulder.
    "Gonzales are you deaf? I told you to bring the drilling materials."
    The tribute looked at the man talking at her with a frown.
    "Are you part of the capitol's sick game or what? Where am I?" She lifted her dagger defensively and took a step back, "I'm really not in the mood for more mutts."
    The man looked confused at her words and raised his hands at Eva's weapon.
    "I think the fumes are getting to you Gonzales, put that dagger down and quit foolin' around." He looked stern and hardworking. "Maybe my wife can help you afterwards, she's good with medicine, but now we gotta fill our daily quota."
    Eva lowered her dagger hesitantly. He seemed relatively harmless. The tribute looked around the cave she was in and took in her surroundings.
    "I'm sorry, I think I hit my head or something, I can't remember anything." The tribute lied with a worried face, "Where are we? Who are you?"
    The man frowned with worry,"This is district 12" he answered "and I'm Jack Everdeen."

    Eva's eyes widened with realization. Everybody knew the legend of Katniss Everdeen, loser of the 24th hunger games. Her mom was in a capitol asylum and her dad died in a mining accident. The little sister she had was adopted by some other district 12 family, the Hawthornes. Katniss and the other district 12 tribute had died with poisonous berries and that was the only game with no winners. Eva must have had a weird expression as she thought because Mr. Everdeen looked even more worried.
    "Gonzales, is everything alright?"
    Eva knew it was a capitol simulation but she still had to ask, "How do you know my name?"
    "You've been working in my mining crew for a few months." his smooth voice said. "I really think I should send you to my wife, you need medical help."
    Eva didn't know if the simulation could change backgrounds but she still nodded and said yes. He took her to an elevator to the surface after giving her directions and sent Eva on her way. She smiled a goodbye and looked for any mutts  before she left the elevator. The tribute could only absorb a little of the poor, haggard town around her before a deafening blast brought her to the ground. Fire absorbed her once more but now it came from the explosion behind her. The explosion that killed Mr. Everdeen. 

    Eva rose to her knees and sobbed in her hands. It wasn't even the real person she had met but something told her the simulation was accurate. He was the first kind person presented to her since she became a tribute. Now the capitol played with her hope like a yo-yo. The tribute wiped her tears and stood up ready to search between the shrapnel for the good man, even if it was useless. She was shocked to find herself in the hallway again. Eva turned left to the door she had just entered but it was gone. Mumbling curses in frustration, she turned to the next one hoping for an exit. This door was regular wood but had vines wrapped around it. When she opened it, the vines swallowed her and spit her out with yet another outfit.
    "I'm changing clothes more often than I'm changing my mind" she muttered, cleaning leaves off her pants. Another overall covered her but this one had dirt.  Suddenly, she was pulled by a rough hand.
    "Here you are Gonzales," the peacekeeper spit out, "you sure are stupid hiding behind the mayor's house."
    By instinct, Eva reached for her dagger and stabbed his hand. She pulled away from the shocked man and looked around the forming crowd. Most were dark skinned people with her same outfit. There were also a couple peacekeepers approaching the public's center of attention.
    "That's it," the peacekeeper was holding his bloody hand in pain and said with rage, "you were only going to be held in captivity but now this is too far." He seemed anxious of her punishment, "You're going to be publicly whipped."
    His words were like a bucket of ice dropping cold fear in Eva from head to toes. She turned to run away but two more hands grabbed her roughly.

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