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Welcome to Sponsorships!

There will be four sponsorships given, one by each of our Gamemakers!

So, let's see who they are...

The tribute sponsored by President Rose Avilia is...

Darius Lionel

"From the beginning, not a thought in Darius's head has been anything but malicious, cold, and heartless. Just the way a potential victor's should be. A bit of a rough start, yes, but I see potential. A great job in the bloodbath, so as long as there's a weapon in his hands, I see great things. So, he has have been given my sponsorship. Do not disappoint me, Darius."

The tribute sponsored by Winter Blackwood is...

Justin Connor

"Justin is diverse. He has weaknesses and strengths, conflicting thoughts, and potential. All of which I need to see on my sponsored tributes. He had risen high above many competitors and shown potential. His background gives him determination and survival skills, and although he isn't as comfortable with killing as I'd like, Ive decided to sponsor Justin."

The tribute sponsored by Iris Underwood is...

Marissa Claire

"Marissa acts intelligently, and it is clear from her trap making...I should put a trap in the arena...proficiency that she knowns how to use her mind. I think that she can use the deaths in her past to fuel her...I bet I could use a new fuel to make the arena more efficient...So I would like to use sponsor Marissa...if that is alright with you, Ms. President."

The tribute sponsored by the anonymous Gamemaker is...

Eva Gonzales

"Why do I need to give a comment? You won't even remember me! Who even am I? Or rather who are you? No this is about me. Uh huh. I see you writing what I'm saying. Maybe I won't even erase the page. You'll be confused. Everyone will be confused. Let's see how you like that."


Now, for the sponsorship bonuses given to each tribute!

The tribute sponsored by President Rose Avilia receives...

1.) One automatic score of 12 to be used on any entry before the semi-finals.

2.) One pass for any penalty to be used on any entry before the semi-finals.

3.) One unlimited word count to be used on any entry before the semi-finals.

The tribute sponsored by Winter Blackwood receives...

1.) One automatic score of 12 to be used on any entry before the semi-finals.

2.) One time limit extended by 4 hours to be used before the semi-finals.

3.) One extra vote to be used on any voting session before the semi-finals.

The tribute sponsored by Iris Underwood receives...
1.) One automatic score of 11.5 to be used on any entry before the semi-finals.

2.) One time limit extended by 24 hours to be used on any entry before the semi-finals.

3.) One word limit extended by 500 words to be used before the semi-finals.

The tribute sponsored by the anonymous Gamemaker receives...

1.) One anonymous tip about the main idea of the task given 2 days before any task (you must ask), to be used before the semi-finals.

2.) One additional special ballot that takes 0.5 off of anyone's score, to be used before the semi-finals.

3.) One pass for a ballot challenge to be used on any entry before the semi-finals.

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