District 2 Female: Quinn Parker

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Name: Quinn Parker

District: Two

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Personality: Quinn is a quiet girl, but once you get to know her, she's quite loud and probably a bit annoying at times. She enjoys practicing with weapons, and hunting. So, not a girly girl. Her twin sister, Chloe, is pretty much the opposite. She likes sports, but she also dresses up a lot, and prefers art over weapons. Quinn's strengths are hunting (preferably with a bow and arrow) and running. Her weaknesses are her stamina, she can't run for a long time without getting tired, and her sister. They're identical twins, and inseparable.

Appearance: Quinn has long blond hair that has hints of brown weaving through, which is usually tied back into a messy Dutch braid down her back. She is tall, reaching about 5'6 without her shoes on. She has hazel eyes, that glow. Most people say she's pretty. She doesn't always believe them though.

Background: Quinn was born in district 2, along with her twin sister, Chloe. Her mother died when they were just two years old, after their brother was born, leaving their father to care for the three kids. Taking care of two toddlers and a newborn is tough work, but he managed. When Quinn and Chloe were 10, their father decided to train the twins, in case they were somehow orphans. Their father taught Quinn how to use a bow, and Chloe how to throw knives. Quinn really enjoyed training with her father, but Chloe didn't as much. The two girls have been training up until Quinn had to go to the games.

District token: a small necklace with a paintbrush that has green paint on the tip, given to her from her sister when they turned 11.

Choice weapon: bow and arrow.

Superpower: Speed. Quinn is an extremely fast runner.

Wattpad Username:  Mocking_turtles

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