Special Awards

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Hello, and welcome to the special awards for Author Games: Superhuman!!

Without further ado...

The Best Partner Entry Award

This award goes to the pair with the best partner entry!

This award goes to...

Eva Gonzales and Marissa Claire

With an amazingly emotional entry, including body language and vivid description, Eva and Marissa's definitely deserve this award! The expressions revealed so much about the characters and emotions, and added to realism. The strategy was extremely creative, and would have been quite effective, so great job! Congratulations to the amazing writers of this entry and the characters in it, 221B_or_not_221B (Eva Gonzales) and SAMONF01 (Marissa Claire)!

 The strategy was extremely creative, and would have been quite effective, so great job! Congratulations to the amazing writers of this entry and the characters in it, 221B_or_not_221B  (Eva Gonzales) and SAMONF01  (Marissa Claire)!

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The Name Game Award

This award goes to the tribute with the most intriguing, meaningful, or pertinent name.

This award goes to...

Quinn Parker

Quinn Parker is a name (I am assuming) derived from two characters in different superhero universes. Harley Quinn, the Joker's sidekick from the D.C. universe, and Peter Parker, Spiderman from the Marvel universe. Since this is Author Games: Superhuman, I thought Quinn Parker was quite an apt name! Congratulations to m0ckingjays !

 Since this is Author Games: Superhuman, I thought Quinn Parker was quite an apt name! Congratulations to m0ckingjays !

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The Growth Award

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The Growth Award

This award goes to the person who's character developed the most throughout the course of the games.

This award goes to...

Darius Lionel

Darius started out as the ruthless killer, without compassion for the feelings of others. He couldn't stand the animals that he had been given the power to speak with, but then he met the snarky cat who he grew to care about. He risked his life to save his partner, and when his cat sacrificed one life to save him, it was shown how much he truly did care. Darius was anything but a static character, and his character development was written astoundingly well! Congratulations to _Fitz_ !

 Darius was anything but a static character, and his character development was written astoundingly well! Congratulations to _Fitz_  !

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Great job tributes! The results of voting will be out very soon!

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