Part 11

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  "Ratatouille, " replied Dread Beard.

  “That sounds like the name of the elf in the Dark Lord’s factory in book 2.”

  “No, that’s Ratamatouii.”

  “I said sounds like.”


  “How did you figure out ratatouille was their favourite food?”

  “I had some in my left hand when one bit it off.”

  “Maybe they just liked your hand.”

  “Nooo, they spat my hand out afterwards. I now regularly cook Ratamatouii and leave it in my squink traps.”

  “Ratatouille you mean?”

  “Yes, well I wouldn’t mean I cut up and left the elf from book two in the traps now would I. He’d all be used up after a few days of trap baiting. Besides the squink don’t like elves.”

  “Neither do we, they are like thin beardless pansy dwarves but they smell a bit better. Why didn’t you tell us you had traps? It would have made things a lot easier.”

  “I haven’t cooked any extra ratamatouii, I mean ratatouille, I caught all mine this morning.”

  “Can’t you mix up a quick batch for us?”


  “So’s we can catch the squink.”

  “Use the sniper rifle with the scope, you’ll be able to take one down from a mile away with that thing.”

  “But we wanted to at least try to get one with a bow and arrow first.”

  “You could try sneaking. If you get behind them you could pick one off before you scare them back into the sea.”

  “Will it work?”

  “No, but it’ll be good for a laugh.”

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