Chapter 3

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Rachel's POV:

Why does the stupid bus has to pick other kids. Why cant it come straight to me. I have been waiting with dad here, for like ten min. He is even getting late for office. Good thing is that he is the boss. Finally the bus is here, I can see them picking Matt.

Finally it is here, I hope Cristiano came today. A smile came on my face when I saw him sitting in the last bench. Sleeping again, seriously what does he do at night.

I made my way towards him, I sat besides him. I tried to wake him up but it was no use. He really needs a makeover, when will he stop wearing these sneekers. Its time for that dream I guess.

I was looking outside and I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned and saw Cristiano waving and yawning. So the footballer is finally up.

"What do you do at night, that you sleep in the bus". I questioned.

"Its nothing was playing football in the garden". he replied

"At night" I said with a question mark on my face.

"Yes" he replied in a serious voice as if its a normal thing.

"Why do u practice so much, you still have a lot of time to qualify for any team" I told him.

"I want to be the best, that requires practice" he told me.

"I see and you will be. I have complete and utter faith in you" I told him.

"Really" he asked me .

"Yes the whole world will cheer for you. In every match you will win many hearts, you will be the best. Only you and then I will tell the whole world. This is Cristiano Ronaldo my best friend. He belongs to me and only me". I said with a proud smile on my face.

"Only you" He assured me.

I gave him a big smile and then he started the conversation again.

"You're family is invited at my house, for dinner tonight". he told me

"Really this sounds great" I replied.

We reached school and all day we could only talk about the things we will do at Cristiano's home. We both were very excited, we just wanted this day to end. So the night could begin. When the day ended we both went to our home's.

I reached home and told mom and dad. They were very pleased to meet new people. Dad went to get something it does not look nice to go empty handed.

It was finally night time I got ready, I wore a blue dress. Cristiano's house is 2 blocks away from ours. I wanted to walk till there but dad said it would ruin my clothes. So he got his car out of the parking lot and we went.

We reached and I ran towards the door. I pushed the bell 2 times. In seconds Cristiano opened the door and his dad came from behind.

He greeted mom and dad and we all went in. Dad gave him the cake he brought. Uncle was very much pleased. Cristiano's mom was cooking so, uncle joined us in the living room.

"So you must be the bright little lady, who seems to have stolen my Ronaldo's heart". he said with a huge smile on his face.

"What" I replied because I didn't really understand.

Everybody started to laugh, me and Cristiano looked at each other with blank faces.

"You're boy has seemed to done some magic too" my dad said to uncle.

"Oh really well he is a charmer" Uncle replied.

I couldn't understand them so I got up and went with Cristiano to check out his room. His room was really big, I guess because he is an only child. So he can get as much space as he likes. his room walls were blue, there was a bed with a ball picture bed sheet on it. He had a whole gaming zone. he had awesome games.

"I want to show you something" Cristiano said.

"Sure" I replied

"Lets go" he said and grabbed onto my arm. He started running downstairs and through his kitchen was a back door. It lead to the garden.

"This is my favourite place" he told me.

"I know why because you play football here" I replied.

"Yes and from now on you will too with me" He said.

"But I don't know how to" I told him.

"I will teach you". he replied and started running.

He grabbed his ball and we started to play. I fell many times but I guess this is how you learn. We played for a long time and then we were called in by our parents for dinner. It was an awesome night.

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