Chapter 13

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Cristiano's POV:

13 days to go, I saw Rachel write on the Calender. I know she was sad, a part of me didn't wanted to go either but the bigger part always wanted this.

"What are you thinking" Rachel asked me.

"Nothing just thinking how life moves so fast. Seems like we just met yesterday, you remember your first day at kindergarden". i said.

"I remember, when I first saw you. I never knew, you would become such a big part of my life. The first time I saw you, it was so funny and cute at the same time. You were sleeping and there was no place left, so I sat besides you" she replied.

"Really, you never told me this" i said.

"You didn't know" she questioned me.

"No you never told me, the first time I saw you was in class. When you were told to sit with me" I told her.

"I am glad I was told" she said with a smile.

"Come on now, we still have 13 days to have fun. leave the crying for the last day" i said while laughing.

"Fine, so what do you want to do. Anything you want" she replied.

"Really anything I want" i said with a devilish smile on my face.

"Stop your dirty workshop, which is in your mind. I meant you want to go somewhere" she said.

"What do you have in mind" i asked her.

"I was thinking, lets go clubbing" she replied.

"Done we will go but tonight we are going to a pool party" i said

"Pool party, its so cold outside. Who is throwing a pool party". she questioned me.

"You remember the nerdy guy, who always sat behind you" i asked her.

"Yes what about him" she replied.

"Well he hooked up with a cheerleader and apparently she wants more. So they are a couple now and they are throwing this party together" I said

"Wow high school is weird" she replied.

"I am going down to make some breakfast, you want some" I asked her.

"Egg and toast please" she said.


I went down, made breakfast for her and myself. She came down to help, not that I needed it. We both ate and I decided to play fifa. Rachel went up and slept.

Rachel's POV:

I was dreaming and in my dream I was walking. It felt great, I was walking so peacefuly and then I heard someone shouting my name. I soon realized, it was Cristiano and he was trying to wake me up.

"I am up" I said as I opened my eyes.

"Get ready" he said with a angry look on his face.

"Give me 2 min" I lied.

"I am waiting" he said and left the room.He was all ready. Then I realized I over slept. I rushed in the bathroom, wore my clothes which were hanging in the changing room. I couldn't believe it Cristiano went home and got me clothes. I wore them and went straight down.

I had all the makeup stuff in my purse already, which I could put in the car even. I went down and saw he was not there. He was waiting for me in the car. I rushed outside and sat in the car.

We reached there in 20 min, there was a bit traffic today. We went in and met a few people. Cristiano saw his friends and went straight to them.

There were many people from our batch that I recognized. The house was great, I scoped the place around. Got a drink from the kitchen and sat in the lounge. I was bored and Cristiano was nowhere to be seen.

I heard some noises in the pool area and saw a girl was trying her best to jump on Cristiano. I could hear there conversation and everyone was cheering like idiots.

She was trying to come too close to him, I was feeling so jealous. I realized it was jealousy because I never had the urge to kill someone and I really wanted to kill her.

I didn't know how to stop it, so I thought of the stupidest thing ever. I took off my shirt, I was already wearing shorts so I I didn't take them off. I had bikini and shorts on and I jumped in the pool.

I made my way underwater, towards Cristiano and I came out right between them.

"Oops sorry, I didnt see you there" I said as the girl gave me a disgusted look.

"Now where did my mermaid come from" Cristiano said pulling me close.

I knew why he pulled me close, to show the crowd that nothing will happen with him and the girl.

"I saw you being molested and I just had to save you" I mocked him

"Oh my saviour" he said.

We both chatted,laughed enjoyed every minute being together. The pool party turned out to be great. After some while, we decided to leave. Cristiano first dropped me at my place and then went straight home.

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