Chapter 5

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Rachel's POV:

"Cristiano get up, we will be very late for the party" i said pushing him off the bed.

"Remind me why do you want to go to this stupid party anyway" he asked me.

"Well our whole batch is going, so it would be rude if we dont go" i told him.

"Did you like get amnesia or something" he asked me.

"No, why do you think that" i asked him.

"Well because a week ago, he was trying to hit on you and you clearly said you hated him" he told me.

"Well he did help me, he was there when you were not" i said and realized that was a really stupid reason.

"Excuse me, he gave you a ride to school and you are comparing him with me" he said in his angry voice.

"I am sorry, i didnt mean it that way" i corrected my sentence.

"You said exactly what you wanted to say, you know what enjoy the party. Goodnight" he said and switched off the lights.

"Fine, i dont need you" i said and left the room.

I went down the stairs stamping my feet on every step. I was so angry, for god sake its just a party. Who care who is the host.

"What happened, i heard some noises. Did you both had a fight?" She said with a suprised look. I guess because we never fight like this.

"Its nothing Ruby, you're son just does not want to enjoy anything except football" i told her.

"He is always been like this, you know him" she said.

"I know he wants to be a great footballer but before that i want him to live. To enjoy every aspect of life. Today even i dont care who is throwing the party, i only care as long as he is with me" i said and the feelings felt different.

"Rachel" she said .

I didnt wanted to cry infront of her. So i just went out. I got in my car and went straight to the party.

Cristiano's POV :

Im so angry at her, i cant believe she said. Okay well she didnt mean it i know but why does she have to go to this stupid party.

Knock knock

"Who is it" i asked.

"Its me kiddo" mom said.

"You dont need to knock mom, come on in" i replied.

"Whats wrong baby, i heard you two shouting" she asked me.

"Its nothing mom, she just wanted to go to this party" i told her.

"So why didnt you go" mom asked me.

"She does she not get it, Auston is flirting with her all the time" i told her.

"I dont see what is wrong with that, she is young and beautifull. Guys should be all over her" she said.

"Auston is not a good guy for her" i told her.

"Then who is" she asked me as if i know.

"I dont know" i replied.

"Honey let her make her own choices" she told me.

"What if they are the wrong one" i asked her.

"If they are wrong, when she will fall im sure you will be there to catch her. Be the bestfriend not the mother or father. One more thing she comes to every match of you're since, she was a kid. Even when the match is not even in a ground, i think you can go to lame stupid parties for her" she told me .

"I can and i will, i should get dressed and go to her" i said as i went to the bathroom to change.

"Now that's my boy" she said and left the room.

I am so sorry Rachel, i promise i will make it up to u. I am coming my stupid but most awesome best friend. I changed and went straight to the venue. The party was at Auston's house. I went in the door was open.

Everybody seemed drunk and the one's who were not, were dancing or making out. I started finding Rachel and i looked everywhere. I couldnt find her. So i gave her a call, she was not picking up. I could hear her ring tone. So i followed the sound and i saw her sitting in Auston's lap.

They both were making out.

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