Chapter 9

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Rachel's POV:

These were the most romantic 2 days of my life. Still I cant stop thinking, about what Cristiano wanted to say. I should go to his place, it is not that late. Since when did I care, what the time is. Anyways I think Damon is going out, will tell him to drop me.

I went down, he was about to leave. Just got him in time.

"Hey can you drop me to" That's all I said because he completed my sentence.

"To Cristiano's place" he said.

"I will wait in the car for you" I said and left.

He came after 2 minutes and we went straight to Cristiano's house. He dropped me there and went to his friends place. I didn't knock, not use to it actually. I went straight in and went to Cristiano's room. The light was off, I opened the door and he was sleeping.

He never sleeps so early, what is wrong. I hope he is not ill. I hope he is not angry that I didn't tell him about the romantic getaway. But I even didn't know, it was a surprise. I Hope he is not that angry. I went down to see, who was up and I saw Ruby reading a book.

"Hey" I said to her.

"I didn't see you there, when did you get back" she replied.

"A hour ago, went for two days" I told her.

"How was it?" she asked me.

"It was amazing" I told her.

"The weather must have been windy, I guess" she said to me.

"Just a bit, is something wrong with Cristiano" I questioned her.

"Why, what happened. Don't tell me, did you two fight again" she said.

"No we didn't fight, its just that he never sleeps this early". I said to her.

"You still don't know" she said with a blank look on her face.

"Know what" I asked her

"The night you left to go on your date, Cristiano waited outside your house to meet you. He took the morning flight to Manchester, they called him for trials. He just came back half hour ago and I guess he dozed off" she replied.

"What and he didn't tell me all this" I said with a angry voice.

"He tried to but your cell phone was switched off, you should really talk to him. He has something important to tell you" she said but I didn't care all that mattered was he didn't tell me.

"Are you okay Rachel?" she asked me.

"He needs to give some explanation" I said and went straight to his room.

I saw him sleeping peacefully, I really didn't give a Rat's Ass about his sleep at that time. I wanted my answers. I went straight to his bed side and started to poke him.

"Wake up" I shouted.

There was no response, he always slept like he had nothing to loose. Even when he was a kid, he slept in the bus like he had no worries. Nothing to do, but I am not stopping until he gets up.

"Cristiano Dos Santos Aveiro wake up right now" I yelled.

"What, who, what is going on here" he said as he woke up.

"I need some answers right now, how come I don't know You went to Manchester". I shouted.

"You were not there, you were out of reach. I thought you were coming back from the date" he said.

"Tell me everything and for your kindest information, it was a surprise for me too. The place where we went had no signals at all" I told him.

"Well I wanted you to be the first to know, that's why that night I came to your place". he said.

"Keep going" I said to him.

"Well after the match, the assistant manager of Manchester United called me. He told me to come and give them a trial of how I play. So I gave it a shot, it was awesome. The view, the smell of Old Trafford. Nothing in this world is compare to that". He said

"Oh my god, I am listening" I replied.

"Well they want me to come and practice there and after that I am in the team". He said and I couldn't believe my ears.

"What did you just say. Say it again" I said.

"They want me to play for Manchester United" I heard him say and before he could say anything I hugged him real tight.

I cant believe this, this is the best thing that is every happened to us. I am so proud of you, you finally got what you wanted. All the practice paid off. I am just so happy, nothing could make me sad. I am on the top of the world.

"Rachel I need to tell you something" He said to me.

"What, what is left now" I questioned.

"They want me in Manchester, as soon as possible" he told me.

"What do you mean" I asked him.

"I am leaving in two weeks Rachel" he said.

"Two weeks" that's all I could say.

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