Chapter 44

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Rachel's POV:

Its been 2 weeks and i have not seen Cristiano properly i have no idea what is going on in his head. He seems so lost, i hope everything is okay and he has forgotten all that happened at Irina's house.

Is he trying to break up with me or something or is ot another girl. Oh god Rachel shut up and stop thinking such stupid questions.

Ring ring ring

My phone rang i grabbed it.

"Hello" i said.

"Baby its me, my battery just died. I will be late at training so dont wait up" he said.

"Reall again , why" i said and heard some one talking behind and saying something.

"Hang up already"

"Who is behind you" i asked him

"Gotta go bye love you"'he said and disconnected the phone.

"Something is going on and i aint sitting here" i said and left the room.

I went straight to shopping. I dont care i am going out tonight no matter what. I bought a red dress and with high heels. I got ready and went to a club.

I got a drink and danced a bit but it was incomplete. I tried to contact him but he didnt pick up. I was sick of this i am going to finish this once and for all.

I got in a cab and went straight to santiago bernabov.

I stepped out of the cab and went in it was really dark. So he lied there is no training going on here. I went down the stairs carefully and i was half way down and a spot light came on my face.

"What the hell" i said.

"Rachel Salvatore" a voice said.

"Yes" i replied and started to go down. I came down and strated to walk tiwards another spot light in saw someones back and when i reached the face turned.

"Cristiano what is going on" i said and he started to go on his knees.

"What are you doing" i asked in shock.

"Rachel Salvatore will you please marry me and be mine forever and ever" he said with a huge diamond ring.

"Yes i will do the extraordinary honour of marrying you" i said and jumped on him.

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