Chapter 18

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Rachel's POV:

He is coming back. After so many years, he is finally coming home. I am sure all the girls in the town, must be very eager to just jump on him. I am sure he wouldn't mind either. Well why would I care, whoever wants should just jump on him.

Maybe he will come home, his parents still live in the same house. Why am I thinking about him, I want nothing to do with him. Wait a second, his room is filled with I miss you cards. I was stupid enough to make them and hang it on his wall. I Wanted him to know, how much he is being missed.

What do I do now. What if he decides to come home. He will see his room filled with them. I need to get it down before he comes. The news said, he is coming tomorrow. So the ghost is clear. It is 3 am, they must be sleeping. I still have their house key. I should leave before they wake up.

I was about to leave but I heard a knock on my door.

Knock Knock Knock

"Can I come in?" Elena said.

"Sure" I replied.

"Are you going somewhere" she asked me.

"Yes, I have some things to take care of. Do you want anything" I asked her.

"No, you blew me off that day. So I was thinking, lets go shopping today for the big match" she said.

"I wont be coming, I am busy this weekend. I think I am flying this week. Have some meetings to attend" I lied.

"It would have been fun, you wont get a chance to meet the Star again" she replied.

"I am okay with it". I said and left.

Why would I want a chance to meet him. I hate him.

Elena's POV:

I guess I will have to go for shopping alone. It is so not fun. I was about to leave the room, as I saw her cupboard door open. I made my way towards it, to close it. I pushed the door but something seemed to be between it. I looked carefully and it was a journal. I picked it up and some newspaper cutting fell from it.

I picked it up to see, what it was and I was shocked to see. All the cut outs were about one person. Cristiano Ronaldo, if she has no interest in his match. Then why is she collecting all this. She is a fan for sure. Only Damon knows her well, I should ask him.

I kept the things back exactly how they were. I went out of her room. I went downstairs, I knew I would find him in front of the television. He was sitting on the couch, I sat besides him.

"Baby can I ask you something" I said.

"Yes, what do you want to know" Damon replied.

"Did Rachel always hate football" I asked him.

"No" that's only he could say.

"Did something happen, like did she had a injury while playing." I said

"Her best friend used to play football with her" he replied.

"And" I said.

"He was the reason, she loved football" he told me.

"So where is he now" I said.

"He has gone far away" He replied.

"What was his name" I asked him.

"Cristiano Ronaldo" he said and I couldn't believe my ears.

"What, are you kidding me" I said

"This is true" he said

"Oh my God, so we can meet him. Right" I asked him.

"No Rachel does not want anything to do with him" he said.

"But why" I said.

"He broke her heart" Damon replied.

"Did you know him" I asked him

"He was like my brother" He said.

"Why don't you try to meet him. He is coming to this town for his next match" I told him.

"He is coming back. Does Rachel know?" he asked me.

"Yes I told her" I replied.

"How did she react?" he asked me.

"She was okay with it" I told him.

"Where is she now" he said.

"She had some work to do, she just went out" I said.

"I hope she does not do anything stupid" he said.

I will make sure, she does something stupid. I wont let this chance go, I will meet the Portuguese Star and make him endorse my products. This will be so good for my business.

Rachel's POV:

Why is it so dark in his house. Maybe Ruby forgot to leave the door light open. Now Rachel in and out 5 minutes. I cannot take more time. By the way, sometimes I do meet Ruby. I could have just asked her, that I wanted to see Cristiano's room. I didn't have to turn into James Bond.

Well now I don't have time, he is coming tomorrow and I cant wait till then. I took the key out of my pocket and slowly opened the door. I quietly made my way towards his room. His door was closed but not locked. I remember last time, when I came it was locked.

Anyways this is good for me. I slowly opened the door and went in. I started to take down the cards one by one. I was busy taking them down and I suddenly heard water running in the bathroom. Someone is in there, I am so busted. I think now is the time to hide, I hid under the bed. I saw a guy come out of the washroom in a towel.

Oh shit, Uncle Ben must be taking his bath here. Ben always loved, Cristiano's shower pressure. It was too dark, I couldn't see the face. The guy went again in the bathroom, I knew this was my time to escape. I hurried and came out from under the bed. I quickly took down, the last two cards. I was about to leave but someone hit on my head and then it all went dark.

After a while I came back to my senses. I opened my eyes and slowly got up. I could see someone was sitting on the chair. Infront of me but it was too dark to make out the face.

"What were you trying to steal" the unknown voice asked me.

"I was not stealing anything" I replied and realized I still had the cards in my hand.

"Don't lie, If you don't tell me the truth. I will call the cops right now" he said.

"I swear, I was not stealing. I know this family" I told him.

"So you steal from people you know" he replied.

"I told you I was not stealing and by the way. Who the hell are you?. Only Uncle Ben and Aunt Ruby live here" I told him.

"How do you know my parents" the stranger said this and at that moment I realized who he was. Who this voice belonged to. It was him, he came home. I couldn't reply, I couldn't go throw it again. He would not recognize me again.

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