Chapter 38

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Rachel's POV:

It is the first morning after i said i love you to him. It feels different but it is beautifull day. The sun is shining away. I got up, took a bath and changed. Then i went downstairs for breakfast. Everybody was sleeping because the lights were still closed. I went in the lounge and saw Cristiano sleeping on the couch.

I went to him he looked so cute. Gosh i just wanted to kiss him but i could clearly see he was not comfortable at all.

"Hey Cristiano wake up" i said while shaking him abit.

"Rach whats wrong" he said rubbing his eyes.

"Get up come and sleep in my room" i told him.

"Is that an invitation" he asked with a devilish smile.

"Just get up your gonna ruin your back if you keep sleeping here" i replied.

"Fine i will come as long as you are coming" he said.

"I have a meeting i need to go" i said.

"Fine" he said and got up.

I went upstairs with him to my room.

"Come on now you sleep" i said.

"Not so fast" he said and grabbed me.

"Cristiano what do you think you are doing" i said.

"You look beautiful" he said and kissed me on my cheeks.

"Morning to you too" i said and kissed him on his nose.

"When will you be back" he asked me.

"In a couple of hours" i told him.

"I miss you already" he said hugging me tight.

"I gotta go" i said and left.

It didnt feel right yet because i cant start new relationships when im stuck in an old one. I need to tell Adam this and end it on a friendly note. Why did i have to drag him into this. I have made things so worse.

I was about to sit in the car and i got a text. It was from Cristiano.

"I know this is not right to you now because you are thinking about Adam. Baby i will tell him today you dont need to worry about it. Drive safe Rach"

"Love you" i replied to him.

Cristiano's POV:

I feel like i am the luckiest amn on this earth. She has completed me now i have everything. I dozed off into the beautifull memories. After some while i was awaken by Damon.

"What are you doing in Rachel's bed" he asked me.

"Sleeping" i replied.

"Did you guys do it" he said angrily.

"Hey hey no nothing happened but one thing happened" i said.

"What is that" he asked me.

"I got your sister brother in law" i mocked him.

"What really" he said hugging me so tight that i had hard time breathing.

"Okay you can leave me now superstar choking to death" i said.

"Sorry are you okay" he said.

"Better" i replied.

"I am happy for you guys. Now listen good if you break her heart i will break your neck" he threatened me.

"I wont i love her" i replied.

"Good now lets get you some breakfast romeo" he mocked me.

We both went down for breakfast. After i had breakfast i went out to meet Adam. I called him to a club. Its day time and thats the only place with less crowd. I parked my car and went straight in . At the end of the table i saw him sitting alone. I went straight to him.

"So why did you call me here" he asked me instantly.

"Rachel and i are together" i told him.

"Is this some kind of a joke" he said.

"No we got together last night after you went" i replied.

"Let me get this straight she was on a date with me last night and when i left she hooked up with you. Wow what a slut" he said and i lost my mind.

I got up and punched him right in the nose. He fell on the floor. Immedietly people turned to see what was going on and some recognized me even. They took pictures and suddenly a crowd was around me.

As i was about to get out of the club. Papparazi caught me. They started asking me questions and all. My reply to them was.

"I am in a relationship with Rachel Salvatore" i said and left.

I reached Rachel's home and parked the car. I went in and saw everybody sitting in the lounge. I entered the loung and i saw everyone was watching the news in which i said i am in a relationship with Rachel.

Rachel's Dad got up and came towards me.

"Is this true" he asked me.

"Yes sir" i replied.

"Will you keep her happy" he asked me again.

"Always and forever" i told him.

"What took you so long" he said hugged me. Everybody came and joined the hug. We all chatted for a while and then Rachel came back home. She entered saw us and went straight up.

I went after her. I hugged her from behind and started kissing her on her neck.

"What the hell did you do today" she said while pushing me away.

"What do you mean" i asked her.

"First you tell me you will talk to Adam then instead you punch him and then tell the media about us. Now we will never have a normal life. No privacy ever what did you do" she shouted.

"He said bad about you and no one who says bad about you is getting away with it" i told her.

"I can handle this. I have handled it till now. You were not there remember you left me" she said.

"Yes i made the biggest mistake of my life by leaving you and i have payed for it" i replied.

"Just leave me alone for a while" she said .

"Okay". I said and left her alone.

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