Chapter 22

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Rachel's POV :

Cristiano Ronaldo this person has made me laugh, cry, love and i have felt hurt. Why does this name still crosses my mind everyday. Is 7 years not enough to forget someone, to get over them. Maybe not but this secret lives within me. No one can ever know.

Just 3 days more than he will play his match and will be gone. I can do this, i just need to focus on other people or other stuff. This will be easy, i guess.

Ring ring ring

I picked up my phone to see who was calling and it was Luthar. This is a good distraction.

"Hello" i greeted.

"Hey love, you wanna go to the club tonight. Its a re-unioin sort of a thing. All the people from our school are coming" he told me

"Well then count me in" i replied.

"Great pick you up at 8" he said and disconnected the phone.

Great a party, best way to forget all this just get drunk and that is what i am going to do today. Wait a second, did he say all the people from our school. Which includes Cristiano but i dont think he will come. He is better than all of us now.

Relax now focus, this is a party so i need to wear something. I suck at dressing up, i need an expert. Well i already have a expert. She is just 4 steps away. I got up from my bed and went straight in Damon's room.

Elena was sitting on her bed and polishing her nails.

"Hey i need your help" i asked her.

"My help, really what for" she asked me

"Do you know what a girl should wear while going to a club" i told her.

"You are going clubbing?" She asked with shocked look on her face.

"Yes, it is not that big of a deal" i said.

"It really is, dont you worry i will get you all ready. When you will be done, guys will be falling all over the place" she said as she got up from her bed and closed the door of the room.

"Why are you closing the door" i asked her

"So you can change" she said.

"Change where and into what" i asked her.

"Do you really think i will choose from your wardrobe" she replied.

"Yes" i said.

"Oh please, your wardrobe looks like someone threw up on it" she said

"It does not" i said as she dragged me in her changing area.

"You are one dedicated women" i said.

"Change now" she said as she handed me some shirts.

"Fine fine i am trying them" i said and went in the changing area to change.

For continuosly 2 hours she made me try clothes on. She made me wear tops , jeans, shoes and even just my bra. Just to see the look. Seriously this women has issues, she wants everything to be perfect.

Finally she decided on a black top with one sleeve and shorts with long boots. She even gave me a black and red shaded sachel. Finally it was makeup time and i knew she was not going to leave me until she do it. So i let her do whatever she wanted to do.

Finally i was ready and Elena had tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong" i asked her .

"Nothing you just look so good today" she said.

When i met Cristiano Ronaldo!Where stories live. Discover now