Chapter 28

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Rachel's POV:

The Bus dropped us in a hour. Everyone said bye to us except Irina she gave the most awfull look at us. Cristiano didnt seem to care i wonder why. We entered his house and wow thats the only word that came to my mind. It was huge and beautifull, he had a swimming pool with R written at the bottom of it.

"Your house is beautifull" i said to him.

"Im glad you like it" he replied.

"Welcome back sir" his servant said.

"Hello Ben how have you been" Cristiano asked him.

"Very well sir" he replied.

"Well this is my best friend, give her the best room of this house" Cristiano said.

"Sir the best room is next to your room" Ben replied.

"It will be just fine" Cristiano said.

Ben took my bags and i followed him. He showed me the room and left me alone to rest. I was so tired that i dozed off.

I was awaken by my phone ringing. I got up and checked who was calling me. It was my assistant. Rebecka really needs to learn not to annoy me this much.

Ring ring ring.

"Yes" i said.

"Mam we have a meeting in 10 minutes where are you" she said and i realized i over slept.

"Shit im coming keep them busy" i said.

I grabbed a new pair of shirt and my bag. I was already wearing shorts so i think they would match. I ran downstairs and saw Ben standing.

"How fast can you get me a cab" i asked him

"Mam you cant get a cab here" he told me.

"Why not" i asked him.

"Cab's dont come this way, half of this road is blocked by security because of sir" he told me.

"Shit now how will i go" i said to him.

"Sir is leaving maybe he can give you a ride" ben told me and i didnt even reply him. I ran outside and saw Cristiano turning his car. I ran towards him.

"Drop me please now" i said to him.

"Get in" he told me.

"Two blocks from here second building" i told him.

"Wow whats directions you give" he mocked me.

"Why cant cabs come this way" i asked him.

"Why do you need a cab, when you have me" he said.

"Very funny, i need you to give me a good cab driver's name" i said and realized i was talking to a person who never even sat in a cab.

"You can have any car of mine you want" he said.

"Thats very nice of you but i already have one car of your" i told him.

"Do you still have it" he asked me.

"Yes i never drove it, its in my garrage back at home. I didnt wanted to ruin it, it was the last memory i had of you" i told him and a tear fell from my eyes.

"Well you can have another" he said.

"No thankyou" i said and went to the back seat.

"Hey where are you going i aint your driver" he said to me.

"I need to change my shirt" i told him.

"Everyone can see" he said.

"Sshhh" i said and started to change.

When i met Cristiano Ronaldo!Where stories live. Discover now