Chapter 41

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Cristiano's POV:

"What do you have in mind" i asked her

"About what" she replied.

"Me and you being alone in this big house, with all the rooms" i said.

"You aint hitting this thing" she said while laughing.

"We will see"i said and carried her on my shoulders to her room.

"Cristiano put me down" she said.

"Enjoy the ride my love" i told her.

"Here you go" i said placing her on the bed.

"What do you think you are doing" she asked me.

"I dont know you tell me" i said and started to kiss her every where.

"Well i think you are trying to" she said

"Keep thinking" i said and came over her.

"Cristiano Ronaldo am i your first" she asked me and i looked at her weird.

"You want me to answer this right now" i said to her.

"Yes" she replied.

"No it isnt" i said and by the look on her face i realized that she had never done it.

"Auston was your first right" i asked her.

"We only kissed" she replied.

"I" i couldnt say anything else i got up and sat at the end of the bed.

"I didnt do it because i always wanted to wait" she told me.

"Then why did you let me come so close" i asked her.

"Because i love you and you wanted it" she replied.

"I respect your feeling and we will wait" i said to her as i closed the buttons of her shirt.

"But you" she was saying but i stopped her.

"Shut up and give me a hug" i said to her and opened my arms. She got up and jumped in my arms.

"I love you" she said to me.

"I love you too with all my heart" i said and saw she had tears in her eyes.

"If i have one" i joked because i wanted her to laugh.

"You do" she said and kissed me on my nose.

"Wanna watch a movie" i asked her.

"Ill make the popcorns you decide the movie" she replied.

We both went down. She went in the kitchen i switched the tv on and i was finding the remote the news channel was on and i heard the reporter take my name so i looked on the tv screen.

"Here is a leaked sex tape of Irina shayek and Cristiano Ronaldo" the reporter said and they were showing it with censors.

"What the fuck is this" i said and i turned i saw Rachel standing.

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