Chapter 23

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Rachel's POV:

I was disturbed by the sunlight on my face. I tried to get up but my world was still spinning. I couldnt recall what happened last night and when i thought it couldnt get any worse. My phone started to ring. Oh god the ring tone is so loud. I picked up my phone.

"Hello" i said.

"Hey Rachel are you okay?" Luthar said.

"Yes i am fine, thanks for dropping me home" i replied.

"You think i dropped you home" he asked me.

"Ofcourse i went with you, so it was your responsibility to take me home" i said.

"I wanted to drop you home but Cristiano picked you up in his arms and took you away" luthar said.

"He did what" i said.

"Yes he came in the club, abused me and took you" he told me.

"How dare he" i said and disconnected the phone.

I got up went straight to the washroom, i changed and went down. What does he think of himself, how dare he do this. I was about to leave the house but Damon stopped me.

"Where are you going?" He asked me.

"To teach someone a lesson" i said.

"Well then best of luck and if you need any help you have me on speed dial" damon said.

"Bye" i said and got out of the house.

I took a cab and went straight to his house. The cab stopped infront of his house. I payed the cab driver and he went. I went and rang the bell. Nobody opened, i pressed the bell again.

Then a women called me.

"Kid they are not home" the strange women said.

"Do you know where they are" i asked her.

"They are at the stadium to see the practise" she told me.

"Thank you" i said and ran towards the stadium.

It was 3 blocks away, by the time i reached there i was exhausted. I went in, they were letting people see them train. I searched for him and then i saw him signing a kids ball. I tried to find a way to get in the training area but it was of no use. It had guards on every door.

So i pretended i wanted and autograph so i got in the crowd. Two three girls were infront of me, i pushed them and made my way. He looked at me.

"Rachel what are you doing here" he asked me.

"You forgot something last night" i said to him.

"What" he said and before he could say a word i slapped him. The girls his fans they started to push me away from him but he grabbed my hand. I looked at him and in his eyes i could see he felt cheated but why.

"Leave me, you will never touch me again" i said to him.

"Dont you remember anything from last night" he asked me.

"I know you picked me up in your arms and dragged me home. How dare you, who are you" i shouted.

"You were drunk, you were dancing with people you didnt even know and your date lutharhe was flirting with another girl" he said.

"Your a liar and you will always be" i said and released my hand from his grip.

I started to walk away from him but i could hear him shouting. I didnt stop, tears started to run from my eyes but i didnt stop. I could hear him shouting my name but i didnt stop.

I went to the park and sat on the bench. Was he telling the truth and did he really help me last night. I slapped him infront of so many people. I need to know. I called Luthar.

Ring ring ring.

"Hello" he said.

"What happend last night and i want the truth" i asked him.

"Dont lie to me, you left me alone when i was drunk" i told him.

"I didnt know, i was drunk too" he said.

"Thats a good excuse" i said and disconnected the phone.

I stayed at the park all day. I didnt know what to do, how to apologize or should i even apologize. Night struck upon me and it was dark. I got up and went home. As i entered in the house i saw my dad sitting on the couch. I couldnt see mom. I was so happy to see him, this is the longest he had gone for a business trip.

I made my towards dad so i could hug him but instead he slapped me. I saw Damon coming towards us.

"Why did you do that" i asked dad.

"What the hell is this" he said as he turned on the news.

The reporters were saying "Who is she, is this some new love traingle. How can she slap the star and get away with it. Then they showed the clip, how i slapped him and he shouted my name everything"

"Dad i thought he did something bad last night" i said to him.

"Him, this kid who you grew up with" he said

"Dad he has changed but last night was my fault. I got drunk and he dropped me home" i told him.

"Thats the reason you humilliated him infront of the world" he asked me.

"I didnt know someone was recording it" i said and realized it was stupid what i just said.

"You of all people know that he is the star of football and people record his every move" dad said.

"When did you get here" i asked him.

"I was going to come next week but when i saw this on the news i had to come. Your mom is still there because i am going back tomorrow. I came here so i could stop you from ruining his and your own life. He worked hard to get till here, you were his biggest supporter. Dont do this to him, dont destroy what you created. I love that kid and i love you. When we went to there house for the first time and i met him. I knew he would be a big part of your life. Whatever the issue is with you two solve it" he said and went upstairs.

Damon came towards me and hugged me.

"Its okay just talk to him and make everything okay." He said.

"I will" i said.

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