Chapter 14

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Rachel's POV:

What a beautifull morning it is today, I should call Cristiano and tell him to get his lazy ass here. We shouldn't be sleeping, we need to cherish every moment.

Ring Ring Ring

"Yup" he said in his sleepy voice.

"Get up, gosh you sleep a lot" I shouted.

"What, where huh why" he asked.

"Get your ass over here" I said.

"I want to sleep and the good thing is that no classes because of the heavy rainfall" he replied.

"Don't you wanna enjoy in the rain" I questioned him.

"What is there to enjoy" he said.

"Oh my god, such hot girls are enjoying the rain, in my street" I lied.

"How hot are we talking about" he asked me.

"Really, really hot. Salma hayek type hot" I told him.

"You lying skunk" he said.

"I am so not lying, well your loss" I said and disconnected the phone.

The plan is set, he will surely come. Typical guy mentality, I went down to see what everyone was doing. Saw mom and dad rush for office, as always. On the other hand Damon, sitting on the couch eating. Same old same old.

"You are going to blow up one day" I mocked Damon.

"You and I both know, who is the fat one in the family" he said.

"I am not, you are. You are always eating" I replied.

"Still I am thin as a stick" he said.

"You are only a stick" I told him.

"Then what are you my friend, you don't even eat that much and yet I think one day that ass is gonna blow up" he said and started to run because he knew what was going to happen.

He ran outside, I stopped to get a weapon in my hand. I saw a frying pan, in the kitchen. I took it , I was ready to fight. To die.

I ran outside and started to scope the place, for my enemy. I knew where he, could hide in the garden. I think my vision, is compromised because of the rain.

Stay focus, I made my way towards the garden. I saw some movement

in the rose section but at the same time there was movement behind the plants also.

This could only mean, that he is doing some kind of magic. Or he has a partner in crime, but who will go against me. There is only one person, who can take me down but he is not here. I think so, I hope he is not.

Things were getting serious, I decided to take shelter in the house. Slowly I started to walk towards the house, and suddenly someone pinned me to the wall.

"What, leave me" I shouted.

"You liar, there were no hot girls in the street. There were no girls" he said and I realized it was Cristiano.

"Why are you on his team" I asked.

"Really are you that dumb, or today is special" he said.

"Shut up, leave me " I told him.

"Not so fast" Damon said from coming behind.

"What do you want Damon" I questioned.

"For a week your room is mine" he replied

"No way am I giving you my room" I said.

"I deserve that room, it is the biggest room in the house" he said..

"Not going to happen and you Mr Footballer leave me or feel my wrath" I said.

"You don't scare me baby, never have never will" he replied as he pecked on my cheeks.

"Fine then get us cute, hot girls numbers" Damon said.

"Awesome brother" Cristiano said to Damon.

"I guess I can do something" I said.

"Should we leave her now" Damon said.

"Not so fast, she spoiled my sleep today" Cristiano replied.

"Well my work is here done, she is all your's" Damon said and walked away.

"I am your only sister, how can you leave me alone" I shouted.

"And he is my brother, from another mother" Damon replied.

"Well now, what do we have here. A very wild cat, what to do with her" Cristiano said.

"I bet u 3 goals and the winner takes all. The respect, the honour everything". I told him.

"If im not wrong, You are challenging me. In a football match, in the bloody rain". he replied.

"Yes, if your too scared. We can call it off" I mocked him.

"Bring it on" he said.

"Let the game begin" I said .

I got the ball from the shed, a couple of years back we got the net because Cristiano forced dad to. We both took our positions and the game began.

He took the ball from me in seconds, I couldn't even take it back. He ran towards the goal and he scored.

"1-0" he shouted .

I had to goal, I couldn't let him win this easy. So I pushed him and got the ball, I ran like hell towards the net and scored.

"1 all sucker" I said with a smirk on my face.

The game got more intense, in another 5 min he goaled. I slipped and got the penalty kick because I blamed him that he pushed me.

Now it was 2 all and I knew he was going to win.I knew I couldn't, win this game fair and score. So what I had some tricks, up my sleeves. Time to execute them. I took the ball and started to run, I deliberately stopped and acted as if I was fainting.

He immediately grabbed me.

"Are you okay" he asked me.

"I don't know, my head is spinning. I need some water" I lied to him.

"Wait here I will get it" he said and rushed.

"Idiot" I shouted and kicked the ball towards the net. It was a goal.

"You tricked me, this is not fair" he said with a puppy dog face.

"All is fair in love and war". I said .

We both went in the house to celebrate my win and his defeat.

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