Chapter 37

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Rachel's POV:

I dont know what the fight was about. Im tired i should sleep i guess. Cristiano is crashing again on the couch because his parents went out of town and he does not want to be alone in an empty house.

I should sleep then in the morning i will ask Damon what was the fight about. I was about to sleep and my phone started ringing.

Ring ring ring.

"Hello" i said.

"Come in the backyard in 2 minutes Adam here" he said and disconected the phone.

At this time its 2 o clock everyone is sleeping. I got up and put on a jacket and went down. I saw Cristiano sleeping, i passed him and went in the backyard. I went outside and saw there were two tables and chair with candles on them. I saw Adam throwing rose petals on me.

"What are you doing" i asked him.

"I promised you a date and this is it" he said.

"At this time" i said.

"Well we didnt go to the place where i had reservations so why not here" he replied.

"Fine but i aint eating at this time". I told him.

"I know i made coffee" he said.

"Fine i can handle that" i sat and went to sit on the chair. He sat right infront of me. We chatted for a while and he told me all about himself and i did the same. I guess i tried to tell him everything. Then the topic of the night started.

"So did you and Cristiano have a thing" he asked me.

"You are never going to let that one go right" i said.

"We kissed" i replied.

"Did it mean anything" he asked me

"For me it did" i told him.

"What about him" he asked me again.

"A couple of weeks ago he told me he loved me" i said.

"Then what did you reply" he said.

"A little too late" i said.

"Is it really too late" he asked me.

"Why are you asking me all these questions i am marrying you right" i replied.

"Yes but i dont want to be the idiot left at the altar or the jerk who married a girl who is clearly in love with someone else" he said.

"Clearly if its that clear than why did you say yes" i asked him.

"Because the moment i saw you i fell for you. I fancy you" he said.

"Its getting late i should go, u should leave to. Damon wont like it you being here at this time" i said to him. He came close and hugged me.

"Bye" he said and left.

I went turned and saw Cristiano standing infront of me. I was about to walk past him but he grabbed my hand.

"Is it really too late" he said to me.

"Yes it is" i said and tears fell from my eyes.

"Say it one more time and you will never have to see my face again" he said .

"It is too l..." I couldnt complete my sentence and i threw myself on him. Our lips pressed against each other. I asked for entrance and he gave it to me. He was in the kiss as much as i was. He broke the kiss and started kissing me every where. He was holding me tight against him. I didnt wanted to be away from him also. When we stopped and got our breath back.

He looked into my eyes and moved my hair from face and holded my hand.

"Rachel Salvatore i love you with all my heart" he said.

"I love you too Cristiano Dos Santos Aveiro" i finally told him.

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